Metal exposure can increase cardiovascular disease risk
Metal exposure from environmental pollution is associated with increased calcium buildup in the coronary arteries at a level comparable to traditional risk factors, according to a new study. The findings support that metals in the body are associated with the progression of plaque buildup in the arteries and potentially provide a new strategy for managing and preventing atherosclerosis.
Researchers use machine learning to improve cardiovascular risk assessment
Researchers used advanced machine learning to increase the accuracy of a national cardiovascular risk calculator while preserving its interpretability and original risk associations.
New machine learning approach boosts precision of cardiovascular risk assessments
Risk calculators are used to evaluate disease risk for millions of patients, making their accuracy crucial. But when national models are adapted for local populations, they often deteriorate, losing accuracy and interpretability.
FIND Lp(a) machine learning model aims to transform cardiovascular disease screening
Today, the Family Heart Foundation®, a leading research and advocacy organization, announced the successful completion of the Flag, Identify, Network and Deliver™ “FIND Lp(a)” machine learning model – a first-of-its-kind offering being implemented in care delivery systems across the United States.
Updated Nutri-Score system reveals stronger links between poor diet and cardiovascular disease risk
A large European study finds that consuming foods with lower nutritional quality, as graded by the updated Nutri-Score, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, particularly stroke and heart attack.
Study links metal exposure to increased risk of atherosclerosis
Metal exposure from environmental pollution is associated with increased calcium buildup in the coronary arteries at a level comparable to traditional risk factors like smoking and diabetes, according to a study published today in JACC, the flagship journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Nanoparticle technology shows promise for targeted diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is the build-up of plaque in the arteries which causes their narrowing. It is a primary cause of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and ischemic stroke (IS), both of which are major contributors ...
last updated on 19 Sep 17:46