Can AI make video games more immersive? Some studios turn to AI-fueled NPCs for more interaction
LOS ANGELES (AP) — For decades, video games have relied on scripted, stilted interactions with non-player characters to help shepherd gamers in their journeys. But as artificial intelligence technology improves, game studios are experimenting with generative AI to help build environments, assist game writers in crafting NPC dialogue and lend video games the improvisational spontaneity once reserved for table-top role-playing games.In the multiplayer game “Retail Mage,” players help run a magical furniture store and assist customers in hopes of earning a five-star review. As a salesperson — and wizard — they can pick up and examine items or tell the system what they'd like to do with a product, such as deconstruct chairs for parts or tear a page from a book to write a note to a shopper. A player’s interactions with the shop and NPCs around them — from gameplay mechanics to content and dialogue creation — are fueled by AI rather than a predetermined script to create more options for chatting and using objects in…
Can AI make video games more immersive? Some studios turn to AI-fueled NPCs for more interaction
LOS ANGELES (AP) — For decades, video games have relied on scripted, stilted interactions with non-player characters to help shepherd gamers in their journeys. But as artificial intelligence technology improves, game studios are experimenting with generative AI to help build environments, assist game writers in crafting NPC dialogue and lend video games the improvisational spontaneity once reserved for table-top role-playing games.
Can AI make video games more immersive? Some studios turn to AI-fueled NPCs for more interaction
AI technology in video games is evolving to create more interactive, responsive, and immersive experiences for players worldwide.
last updated on 25 Sep 13:28