Google begins its defense in antitrust case alleging monopoly over advertising technology
Google has opened its defense against allegations that it holds an illegal monopoly on online advertising technology with witness testimony saying the industry is vastly more complex and competitive than portrayed by the federal government.
Google begins its defense in antitrust case alleging monopoly over advertising technology
Google has opened its defense against allegations that it holds an illegal monopoly on online advertising technology with witness testimony saying the industry is vastly more complex and competitive than portrayed by the federal government.
Google begins its defense in antitrust case alleging monopoly over advertising technology
Google opened its defense against allegations that it holds an illegal monopoly on online advertising technology Friday with witness testimony saying the industry is vastly more complex and competitive ...
Google begins its defense
Google opened its defense against allegations that it holds an illegal monopoly on online advertising technology Friday with witness testimony saying the industry is vastly more complex and competitive than portrayed by the federal government.
Google's advertising monopoly is threatening the future of the open web
If the DoJ's lawsuit fails, the online ecosystem could worsen for users and third-party companies. Lawyers, nonprofit organizations, and privacy experts recently held a press hearing about...
last updated on 21 Sep 17:56