Image: Push Square

Random: Xbox Boss Complains About X Button After Being Handed PS5 Pad

He's worried he may Push Square instead

by · Push Square

A video clip of Xbox boss Phil Spencer at the Tokyo Game Show has gone viral after he jokingly complained about the position of the Cross/X button on the DualSense controller. “The Cross/X button’s in the wrong place,” he laughed. “Cross/X is supposed to be over there.” He then pointed to the position of the Square button, which is obviously where it exists on the Xbox controller.

Sony would probably respond that the Cross/X button technically isn’t even pronounced ‘ecks’ like the letter, but is in fact the ‘cross’ button – they are shapes, after all. This line of thinking hurts our heads.

Spencer is, of course, just messing around – but it’s a pretty amusing clip. What’s particularly crazy is that all three major platform holders – Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft – all place their Cross/X buttons in different locations. We imagine that could get quite confusing for casual players who aren’t intimately familiar with the layout of each controller.
