Source: TikTok

WATCH: Makcik Interrupts Race by Crossing Track During Start, M’sians Left Fuming


Taking to TikTok, this netizen shared a video of one ‘Makcik’ disrupting a race start at an unknown location in Malaysia.

With the caption, “Why can’t she just wait for the race to finish”, the video has since garnered thousands of playtime on multiple social media platforms.

In the video, the lady can be seen crossing the track, thinking she would have ample time to clear the racers, only to clash with the final runner at the last lane.

Colliding with the lady, the runner had to make do with the lost time, and the lady received her just desserts, being booed on site and slammed on social media.

“The lady wanted to relive her days running track. When the gun went off, she made a run for it.”

“They were supposed to repeat the event. The lady had a false start,” said a user.

One netizen summed up the event perfectly.

“This is the reason why schools no longer allow parents to be present at sporting events or competition.”

“They really know how to ruin a programme,” commented a netizen.


What are your thoughts on the matter? Share it with us in the comments section below.


Also read: WATCH: Reckless Mercedes Driver Collides With Police Officer On a Motorcycle in KL & Flees the Scene