Forget The Console Wars, Miyamoto Says Nintendo Has Always Followed Its Own Path

And the Nintendo Museum is here to prove it

by · Nintendo Life
Image: Zion Grassl / Nintendo Life

Ahead of the grand opening of the Nintendo Museum next month, Shigeru Miyamoto has reaffirmed what the company always has been (and always will be) about: staying unique and not rushing to meet industry trends.

That's according to a recent interview with Famitsu, where the legendary game designer outlined his hopes for the Nintendo Museum. By putting the company's history on display, Miyamoto hopes visitors will see just how much Nintendo marches to the beat of its own drum — and how that can be a really great thing to do.

Rather than always trying to better others in the industry or succumb to demands, Miyamoto told the Japanese publication, Nintendo has always stuck to its guns and released the product it wholeheartedly believes in. It might mean the company isn't all that invested in the console wars narrative, but it's a sign that you can always trust the Big N to cook up something special.

Miyamoto's full answer can be found below. Do bear in mind that the following comes from Famitsu via Google Translate, so it's possible that the meaning is slightly different to what might be found in an official translation (which we'll be sure to update this with, should one become available).

It would be a waste to let it sleep in a warehouse, so the main purpose is to put it out in a place where everyone, including employees, can see it, and it has nothing to do with mid- to long-term strategies. However, I think the most important thing is to have people from three generations come to this museum and think, "Nintendo is a company that is not related to the rival game manufacturers that are usually said, or to new cutting-edge technology." Of course, we also do technology research. Until now, analysts and other places have said various things such as "Why don't you do networks?", "What about mobile?", and "Why don't you use cutting-edge chips?", but if you look at the exhibits calmly, you will see that we are doing it properly. However, I think that people can see that now is not the time to sell, and that Nintendo's history is that it commercializes its products when the most appropriate time to sell comes. By seeing that, people can trust Nintendo. I think it is a mid- to long-term outlook in a sense that shareholders and IR can trust Nintendo and leave it to us.

Those who played a Wii, DS, Switch or just about any other Nintendo console (which we assume is most of you reading) will surely have seen this approach in action. Nintendo is prone to following its own path and that regularly results in something brilliant — weird and unexpected, but still brilliant.

It will be interesting to see just how well the Nintendo Museum conveys this approach to development. The new attraction is set to open on 2nd October, providing an in-depth tour of the company's history and a bunch of interactive exhibits to keep things interesting along the way. Naturally, the exclusive merch looks pretty sweet too.

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What do you make of this approach from Nintendo? Do you reckon it'll ever change? Let us know in the comments.


About Jim Norman

Jim came to Nintendo Life in 2022 and, despite his insistence that The Minish Cap is the best Zelda game and his unwavering love for the Star Wars prequels (yes, really), he has continued to write news and features on the site ever since.

Comments 64

That’s good, Miyamoto-san. Now let’s get you back to bed.

But in all seriousness, nuh uh, they were absolutely competing with Atari, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft up until the Wii.

Really now? So all these years before the WII were just you not trying to compete? Alrighty then..If you say so.

Nintendo has always done its own thing. It never really had a stance of “we want to be a video game company or top videogame console manufacturer ” but more of a “we are an entertainment company and how do we pivot to remain a household staple”.

That doesn’t exclude their business practices to strengthen their position in the market but that isn’t the same of being industry leader (tech wise) or crushing competitors. In many ways they still view their output as a product (or a brand/culture similar to Disney) rather than a service or a need to shape the industry. They aren’t trying to be NVIDIA or Microsoft.

Also “console wars” are a marketing song and dance. Which was used in the 90’s to combat SEGA but has spiraled into fandom. While brand recognition is pushed and they produce their own hardware, videogames have a overlapping range because they are reliant on third party software devs to create as many games as possible. Even with Nintendo’s IP investment they can’t make enough games to sustain a system by themselves (although they tried real, real hard with WiiU). As such they aren’t trying to be the bleeding edge leader. They like tech but more as a tool.

Always be yourself Nintendo. Never change and stay awesome.

When you think about it, it's crazy how much we owe to this man.

Not technically true, they along with Sega were the OG and started the console wars.

The good old days before the internet when you basically got whatever console your parents decided to buy you.

I had a SNES and my best friend had a Mega Drive (sorry I simply refuse to call it a Genesis) and we were always round at each others houses so felt like we had the best of both worlds

I mean that wasn’t the case in SNES till gamecube era but okay.

So that whole era of pretty shady practices around third party games during the NES era was not trying to compete? Huh, could have fooled me.

After the gamecube era that was most definitely true, but beforehand Nintendo was certainly trying to compete.
Just look at the Sega Genesis and SNES days.

@Ryu_Niiyama I'm sorry but even if Nintendo wants to pretend it didn't, the company did in fact try to win the console war at some point. They lost in the end, but found a different path to longevity out of it.

I don't why admitting such a thing is too shameful. If anything, admitting that would show humility and lessons learned which lead to better success.

I can believe that to a point. However that seems like a defeated attitude. Back during the 80s/90s they were all about consoles wars when it was just Sega and them. However once Sony entered the picture and blew the N64 away it just seemed that Nintendo just didn't care about being the best seller anymore, and just did what they do.

Not necessary a bad thing especially if they are happy with what they are doing and they certain have enough fans that like them doing their own thing.

I think back in the 80s and 90s, from the 8-bit micro computers to SEGA and Nintendo, the 'war' aspect was mostly that if you were a child, you could only really ask your parents for one system. Then, look at games you might like to play on another system but didn't own and decide to downplay them instead! The marketing really fed into that I think.

The technological differences in computers from the ZX Spectrum to the C64 offered different strengths, as did the Master System and NES, Mega Drive and SNES, the Saturn, PS1 and N64. They all had great unique games though.

With the persuit of the latest tech, I've really lost interest in 'current gen' after the PS4. I really like the convenience of the Switch and it won me over after drifting over to a PS3 and PS4 during the WiiU era. I like what Nintendo did with the system and I also really liked the DS and 3DS (though also owned a PSP and Vita).

To this day I still wonder how the gaming industry would look if Sony and Nintendo came to an agreement and actually made the Nintendo PlayStation console. 🤔

@Member_the_game LOL I was that way too. I had a SNES and my friend had a Genesis. Every weekend we traded off whose house we were at playing the best of both worlds. Stuff like Super Mario World, Streets of Rage, Link to the Past and Sonic 2. Even when the PS came out it was like that I had a N64 he had a Playstation so we go back and forth playing stuff like GoldenEye, Metal Gear Solid, Mario Kart 64 and Resident Evil. Those were some of my favorite gaming times.

Nintendo don’t have to worry about the console wars because they bloody well won it, with a handheld of all things. They are dominating.

Everybody knows Nintendo's true war is against their fans XD

@Member_the_game mega drive was such a boring name. Sega genesis was such a better name. If you are from America it is strange to call it mega drive. If you are from Europe, it makes sense


Great childhood memories.

I don't see him that much any more but in terms of games consoles not much has changed, he's very much an Xbox die hard whereas I'm very much into my PS5 & Switch

They fell off the "more power" path after the Gamecube and it did them the world of good.


Lol i guess it's whatever you grew up knowing it as.

I've always found calling it a Genesis to be really strange.

To me Genesis is a Rock band with Phil Collins not a games console 🤣

They definitely were competing before the Wii, the Nintendo 64 and GameCube got trounced by Playstation 1&2, and that made them leave the traditional console market and become what they are today. But looking back I think it was a good thing as Nintendo has given us some innovative consoles and new ways to play, which have lead to the Switch which in my opinion is their best console to date and should be their main console design going forward. Whereas if Nintendo beat Sony out of competition all those years ago they would be boring and just stick to TV consoles and focussing on shiny graphics instead of innovation and fun factor for their games.

TBH the only thing that we care about is to have a console that strong enough to play the latest multiplatform games. If the new Switch 2 is not on par with Series S at least then... I'm not in for it.

@Flugen To be home honest I wouldn't be surprised if it's power was just about the same as the base PS4 and Xbox One I hope I'm wrong but that probably what we'll get

@Member_the_game I still talk to my friend but he's way more into PC gaming now where as I went with Nintendo and Xbox nothing against PS just I am not big on their exclusives.

As for the Genesis Mega Drive name being an American, it was always Genesis for me I didn't know that it had a different name till the start of the internet.

Mega Drive to me sounds like some kind of computer part like a suped up disk drive or something lol. Funny that you mentioned the Genesis band when I first heard there name was Genesis I though they names themselves after the console lol. Ah to be a young kid again lol

@LuXifer As someone who's traveled the multiverse, I can give atleast one outcome.

Both Sony and Nintendo did indeed release their console. It was called the Nintendo Play. Sega tried to compete but alas due to mishaps their rival console failed to make it to market in time, and was released to lukewarm reviews. The company bowed out.

With Nintendo now being the dominant console again, Microsoft never entered the market and thus Nintendo reigned peacefully for awhile.

With no competition, there was really no need for innovation and thus the market became stagnated. The Nintendo Play stayed for a good 8 years or so.

It's around this time a little know company named Apple saw a spot in the console market and decided to take it. Releasing their first ever console "I-Game". Giving Nintendo the first competition it's had in years.

Nintendo for the first couple of years sees a loss in sales as Apple dominates. During that time, Nintendo now owning all of Sony puts together the next generation console. "Nintendo Nxt" or "Nintendo Next".

Regaining their share of the market, both Apple and Nintendo are still competing to this day. Oh, and Microsoft went bankrupt when after the release of "Windows 9". Lastly, Miyamoto has a handlebar mustache.

@Member_the_game yeah whatever you grew up with. Mega drive was already under copy write in the US. I just always thought genesis was such a unique name.

Am I just supposed to forget about the sega genesis era nintendo? Lol


"TBH the only thing that we care about is to have a console that strong enough to play the latest multiplatform games."

I respect your opinion but also request that you speak for yourself ✌️ I personally couldnt care less about the latest multiplatform games, and If I did I'd buy a PS4/5 and/or a PC. 👍

btw, and just to give the "b" story a nod, here:

"Genesis" is a truly EPIC thing to name a console, and also a great preamble to the series that includes epic (code/)names as "Terra," "Mars," "Neptune" and "Saturn." ✌️

@Shepdawg1 they were still competing with Microsoft and Sony during the Wii era, but Nintendo played a whole different game, and was beating them up so badly, Clony copied them straight, and Microsoft also did the same thing, altough with different technology.

@Keyblade-Dan I'm think more along the lines of the steam deck which can play some of the latest games no problem (although with some tweaks). If games are being made to run on the Series S then they can run on the Steam Deck, so aslong as the Switch 2 has similar specs there's no reason not to get the latest games.

Nintendo always playing to their strenghts, is what give us the Switch, and look how well they did, despite the whole press saying they wouldn't.

If Nintendo is truly following it's own path then the next console wont be yet another flimsy PSVITA clone. Bring back the interesting designs, elevated control layouts, experimental features, and Nintendo TOUGH, please.

It is the difference between being a leader and a follower. Nintendo leads and Sony and MS follow. And I’m not usually a console warrior type of guy, but I mean it’s pretty hard to dispute this in my opinion. Nintendo invents the d-pad when everyone else is doing Atari style joysticks or dials. Nintendo puts analog sticks on the controller. Nintendo does the rumble pak. Motion controls. There are many other examples.

On the other side of the ledger Nintendo shied away from CD technology, probably their biggest blunder, so others innovated in that area. Other companies do often iterate and improve on Nintendo’s ideas. I’d say the dual shock improved on the N64 controller. But Nintendo is still the “leader”. They are like the laboratory where new forms of play are experimented with. Then everyone else cashes in on the successful ideas.

@DripDropCop146 Hehe, always nice to get some reports from the multiverse.

Sad to hear Sega messed up in yet another timeline, I guess some things are constant no matter what. 😁

Great read, appreciate it.

But at this point, Nintendo Switch hardware is already outdated to play current 3rd party games as the games oftenly have the worst performance so it made me consider the 3rd party games on PS5 version for better result.

Miyamoto is so wholesome honestly.

Exactly agree with this report - for instance, the lack of switch 2 news. Why announce that when you can announce a museum? Theme parks rather than mid console releases? Sure! But honestly it does seem Nintendo will outlast at least Microsoft, sega, pioneer, Panasonic, commodore, Atari just to name a few

As someone who became a Nintendo fan during the late Wii era, I say I would rather that they continue walking their own path rather than keeping up with the console wars. Honestly, I just like their pilosphy when it comes to making their games rather than playing catch up with their competitors

Yeah… never competed in the console wars. It’s like they wiped out the 90s from their memories

I have been a Nintendo fan since we were allowed to bring our Game and Watches into school on the last day! They have always done their own thing. They have been mimicked since forever. Sure, they might not have been the first to do a certain thing, but they almost certainly were the ones to popularise it with their creativity. Much later and after the fact, it does look like they were competing but I don't recall thinking they ever made something to directly compete with someone else. The N64 and Playstation for example. Sony decided to compete with Nintendo, not the other way aroubnd (Sony weren't there to compete with before lol!) If they were competing with Playstation 2, the Gamecube would have been a DvD player like XBox to compete with Sony. Nintendo make hardware for game ideas. Some gets copied some doesn't. But they make their own way. Some ideas take the world by storm. Look at how successful Switch is. Nintendo are the more profitable at the moment than their entire history combined! And yet...the industry is having a tough time. Folk pick and choose when Nintendo is relevant etc. It's weird. And regardless if they did or not before, I think are wise to stay out of it going forward lol. And in 20 years time, folk will be saying Switch competed with Steam the Steam Deck has always been around. But we all know, here and now, Steam Deck chose to compete with Switch. (I couldn't care less really lol!)

That just isn’t true though is it? Up until the Wii they competed on power, they just didn’t always do it well. Their idea of being different was cartridges when everyone else went to CD, proprietary 1.5GB discs when the others went to DVD, and Iwata inexplicably claiming consumers didn’t want Online games in 2004.

They were fight to pivot away from the power battle but they were involved in it for years.


Who is ‘we?’ I’m not bothered about the next Switch being ‘strong enough to play the latest multiplatform games.’ If you want that cool, but you only speak for yourself.

Wow. The questionable accuracy of a brute force machine translation aside, how in the world is anyone taking that quote as him saying they never competed in console wars? "Nintendo's history is that it commercializes its products when the most appropriate time to sell comes". He's not saying they didn't compete, he's saying they are more strategic than just chasing the hottest new tech. Like at the height of the 16-bit fight they backed out of following the CD trend and released Donkey Kong Country at the perfect time for a killshot on the overpriced competition.

@electrolite77 Happens all the time around here, people mixing up "I" and "we", people get a couple of likes on occasion and assume everybody is with them, or sometimes it's a case of what makes or breaks a console/game's success is that one person's purchase.

But back to the topic, I choose to support Nintendo because it doesn't do what the other consoles do and they always seem to bring something unique, Mario Odyssey as an example had enough play mechanics and crazy ideas to fill about 5 different games, also I don't find a lot of third party software very appealing.

But that's just me, never been a big fan of these so-called third party "AAA" time sinks and you only have to look at that landscape to see there's problems with that model...the sheer budgets, the time to make them, the disappointment when they arrive, the studios that close etc etc.

@Member_the_game Your comment hit me right in the nostalgias.
Many Saturdays from 9am to 9pm spent with me taking my Mega Drive round my mate's house and spending too much time mastering Streets of Rage 2 and not getting much better Street Fighter 2 on the SNES before it hit the Mega Drive.
Eventually got a SNES myself as those Saturdays really sold the system to me. I sold my Mega Drive eventually but still have the SNES.

Good. This is what they need to do.

@LuXifer You really should expose yourself to more information. Sony would have gobbled up Nintendo, that's what would have happened and that's why Nintendo backed out last minute. Why did you think Nintendo backed out of it?

I abandoned Nintendo because I was disgusted with the DS, and I came back to them because of Bayonetta. If Bayonetta had not existed, I would have returned for Metroid Dread. As for whatever false pride they have and their reasons for such, I don't give a damn.

I don't exactly enjoy taking a cold-blooded stance toward Nintendo, but the recent Palworld lawsuit has left me infuriated with them.

Seems that way to me. Sure US ad wise they fought back with the SNES ads but in terms of hardware or peripherals or whatever tech they had of Virtual Boy/Wii concepts pitched to them that other companies rejected.

Them having the entertainment/toy logic approach/creativity to think outside the box to make games fun, use hardware in interesting ways is just great. Iwata era with GameCube to Switch are that way. The GBA/GameCube is sure similar to Dreamcast VMU but at the same time they had the GBC rumble/tilt sensor games for Kirby/Yoshi. Wario Ware/Drilldozer have their aspects to their carts.

Sure Microsoft repurposing Kinect for HoloLens. Some do find other audience uses but many companies move on or try again later like 3D or other things I guess.

They have misteps but work it out well afterwards.

Other third parties did like Tony Hawk Motion. Pokemon Bluetooth keyboard for it's DS game even if Mario Teaches Typing and others have existed prior.

Or Gameboy being what it was compared to the Game and Watch, Microvision, Lynx, Game Gear. They knew what they were doing. Tetris then Mario was also a fair idea to go with as well.

I'd say many examples besides what I said have shown when tech was offered to them like Virtual Boy or Wii to whatever they thought was be a fair idea to expand on makes sense.

I mean SNES Satelliview, Sega had the Mega Modem yet I just came across XBAND for both yesterday as a third party one.

Famicom DIsk System banking? I mean I hear the Atari and Coleco ones but Atari never did go through with it but Coleco had I think similar of something.

So these companies clearly experiment to see what they can do in one way or another but Nintendo makes sense it fits the lines they want.

Sony/Microsoft want to appeal to teen/adults and offer cutting edge or a PC in the home and so on. Nintendo wants to offer a console/entertainment experience that isn't prioritised as a media device with DVDs/Blu-rays (even if Sony/Microsoft will pull away from that anyway and media apps).

Wii U tried to offer media app stuff but still. Who was doing Panaroma apps?

Like sure Sony did Playlink but who paid attention to it in 2014 the same as Everybody 1-2 Switch doing the same thing 10 years later (yes Everybody 1-2 Switch because of the phone support Playlink and it offer is the point even if Playlink was a branding the same way Touch Generations was for it's intended audience and experiences).

Many companies try different things but yes Sony/Microsoft have odd experiments but do focus on mostly the core more unless to particular like Kinect or too particular like being a media box.

Nintendo just focuses on being a console. The other companies they partnered with for parts did the Panasonic Q or Sharp Twin Famicom and so on. Same as Sega did with the JVC X Eye besides the CDX.

You can make comparisons sure but they also have their own ways of doing things.

Bayonetta 2/Devils Third, other mature game examples, many other possibilities.

Tiger wouldn't have followed behind them with R Zone, LCD games to keep going with or the Gamecom (even if in a way comparable to the Workboy or PDA like and 2 slots that DSi didn't have). I think the Gamecom was a fair system, same as Tapwave Zodiac and Gizmondo as hardware, for games sure understandable there but as hardware goes and PDAs/Pocket PCs as consoles they made sense in a way for the time and were before PSP features too or built in no addons like PSP had them still.

Can’t say I give a flying fig about Nintendo’s corporate museum. Also something about Miyamoto being it’s figure head that doesn’t work for me


I came here to say exactly the same thing. You don’t run an industry-wide monopoly unless you’re trying to freeze out the competition. It’s one of the main reasons why the Master System bombed in the states!

Everyone who disagrees with this statement seems to forget how dramatically underpowered the Gameboy was compared to the other handhelds available at the time. They had SNES era graphics while the Gameboy didn’t even have a backlight.

As far as home consoles before Wii go, NES had no legitimate competition since Atari was already totally washed, SNES was slightly below its contemporaries graphically, and N64 and GameCube both encountered storage space difficulties with third parties because of their choice to not use standard disks (which proved to be a pretty good anti-piracy measure in the GameCube’s case).

Nintendo has never been about the arms race and they don’t intend to be. Third parties can choose to be on the name-brand of videogame consoles, or they can choose not to. The choice is theirs.

Sega vs. Nintendo was unarguably the original console war.

We've always been at war with Sega.

The school playgrounds, 1992: “My piece of plastik is betta then yers!!!!”

Also, the entire internet. Ever. 😃

Heha, very true. Nintendo start trends and does its own thing. Something I like very much and is lacking from Xbox and Sony PC boxes. XP

Much like Apple was to the birth of the modern personal computer, Nintendo was for the same for home video game systems. As with the Gameboy, DS, 3DS and now the Switch, Nintendo has forged its own path and found a way to thrive in the land of devices that people are willing to buy.

@KidSparta Nintendo did play in the specs game with the N64 and GameCube. The storage mediums completely undercut those two powerful systems.

Atari caused the video game crash of the 1980s in the US. It almost made it impossible for Nintendo to come to market because of their s*** business practices (or lack-thereof). It was so bad that the NES was marketed as a toy rather than an electronic due to Atari burning retailers with their stock. The NES had no competition out in the US because it was deemed a failed market and almost seemed to be impossible. Nintendo did it. If it wasn’t for them, the industry would look very differently today (or might not exist as it does now).

As for the original Gameboy, it particularly ran unopposed until the early 1990s. It was unchallenged for about four years until the Game Gear made an attempt and failed. Nintendo knew for the handheld, it couldn’t marketed strictly to the same gamer market and had to be something more. Tetris was a purposeful choice for bundling with the system, later Brian Age and other titles for the DS would take it to the next level.

"...the company isn't all that invested in the console wars narrative..."

That may be true now but, as someone who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, there was definitely a time when that was NOT the case.

@CazSonOfCaz hell, playstation exists because of nintendo's competing with sega and betraying sony after realizing that the contract gave sony the rights to everything written on cdrom format. rather than renegotiating the contract, they dropped sony without telling them about it and waited until the day after sony had announced the cdrom version of the snes to announce their partnership with phillips which resulted in sony opting to make their own console and the horrible zelda CDi games...
then nintendo and sega didn't take the playstation remotely seriously only for it to outsell them both. the next generation after that marked the fall of sega as a console maker and the rise of the xbox.
thinking about it, they just pulled a similar stunt on palworld with that whole announcing a patent lawsuit on them without even sending them any legal documents beforehand soon after it was made publicly known that palworld would be on the ps5.

The war already over though, nintendo and pc is the winner since playstation and xbox already port their exclusives to pc, lol.

It basically isn't worth it, there isn't infinite growth in the games industry. Games don't necessarily sell better just because they've got higher budgets and more detailed graphics.

You only have to look at Square Enix being the first company to jump onto the graphics arms-race is now rewarded with sales of 2-4million for mainline FFXVI and FFVIIRebirth when they cost more than ever to make. When by comparison FF7 with lego people sold 10million.

As shown by Nintendo's model the games are going to look better as tech advances, but just being able to brag about having the most powerful system on the market, or the most polygons in a character model, isn't actually worth all that much in the long run. In the end it's the quality of the games that matter.

The whole purpose of this asinine commentary by Miyamoto was to take a backhanded shot at Sony because of the whole debacle of the PS5 Pro. It really shouldn't even be looked into further than that.

SNES, N64, and GameCube were all bleeding-edge technologies. Especially the N64 which was leaps and bounds more powerful than the competition.

What he is NOT telling you is that the Nintendo Revolution (Wii) was SUPPOSED to "compete" with the PS3 and 360 in power, but Iwata wanted a console that was cheap and small enough to fit on any coffee table. The form factor would not allow for the console to be powerful, so they opted to go with just a small bump over the GameCube in power and motion-controls. It could easily have had both and still be affordable, but Iwata's misguided vision of what a console needed to "look like" was at the heart of that foolish decision. Once people got tired of the motion controls, the Wii died.

No one is trying to "drag" Nintendo into any console war.

First of all, there is no such thing anymore. Sony soundly defeated Microsoft.

End of that story. No one with a synapse firing in their brains were including Nintendo in any of that.

What people ARE trying to do is "drag" Nintendo out of this antiquated thought process (that was born out of the Wii situation) that power must be sacrificed for innovation. Games Like Ratchet and Clank as well as Astro Bot is proof that bleeding-edge performance and innovation done RIGHT fit each other like a hand into a custom-made glove. Another game the exhibits this ironically is Palworld............


Nintendo has been hit or miss in the gimmick department and even gimmicks that are a hit still have a shelf-life as was shown with the Wii. Hybrid-devices are not Blue Ocean anymore.

It's normal. Everyone is making them now, and they are better in every reasonable way.

Casuals did not buy the Switch because of 1st-party titles. Nintendo fans bought the Switch for 1st-party titles and I regret to inform you that the casuals astoundingly outnumber the core gaming audience. That's how you get to 143 million. They also usually follow up a successful console with a clunker.

If the Switch 2 is weak sauce, Nintendo is in BIG TROUBLE.

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