Founder of the Your Skin Stuff skincare brand Ellen Kavanagh Jones

Skincare expert Ellen Kavanagh Jones shares simple routine for preteens that won't harm their skin

With so much information on TikTok about skincare, parents may be unaware what products are and aren't suitable for young skin - here's everything you need to know

by · RSVP Live

With more and more preteens getting phones and making accounts on social media, it's not surprising that they are interested in recreating the content they see online.

One area that is massive on apps like TikTok is beauty, with millions of creators showing off their skincare and makeup routines.

It's great to see people sharing content about their interests and it can often lead to certain products or brands going viral.

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Naturally, when young people see cool products that are said to "transform" their skin, they want to give them a try. Unfortunately, a lot of the skincare recommended by accounts on TikTok isn't suitable for preteen skin and can lead to skin damage and reactions due to ingredients like retinol and acids.

For any parents who aren't sure what is and isn't suitable to buy their preteens for their skin, skin expert and founder of the Your Skin Stuff skincare brand Ellen Kavanagh Jones has shared the key steps to a routine that won't cause any damage - and what to avoid.

Noticing a gap in the market for skincare for preteens, Ellen started Your Skin Stuff with the intention of creating products that are both suitable for young skin and fun for them to use. The key steps in a routine for this age group is a cleanser, a serum targeted for their skin type and age, and an SPF.

Morning Glow SPF

Speaking to RSVP Live, Ellen said: "We all have to wash our face, and our brand has two cleansers. One is suitable for anyone's skin, even the most sensitive, it's our Gentle Daily Cleanser and it can be used in the morning and evening without stripping the skin. We have another cleanser that's better for oilier skin and it has salicylic acid in it, which is brilliant for controlling oil and combatting breakouts."

She continued: "Then we decided to go with a serum, which is a more concentrated product. It's a fun to use, it has the classic pipette but it's not made of glass so it won't smash if you drop it. We have one specially for sensitive skin, a hydrating one and we have one to help with preteens that are beginning to get spots and oilier skin."

The final essential is a daily SPF.

"We know now we should be using sun protection everyday so it's creating that daily habit," said Ellen. "It can be reapplied, it can be popped in your bag.

"This range is all about problem solving, habit building, and there being a reason for the products. Anyone who's had issues with their skin growing up will tell you what a confidence knock it is, and with these you are doing something and treating it correctly."

Skin Hug Serum

Treating it correctly is the key, as using products too harsh for young skin can leave lasting damage.

"The biggest thing is our skin barrier, which is like the shield of our skin," said Ellen. "You want to keep it as healthy as possible, so using acids that are made for adult skin or retinols are very unsuitable. At this age, products should be used to maintain their skin and keep that skin barrier strong so they can withstand everything happening hormonally or environmentally.

"We are a preteen skincare brand, and we want parents to trust in our brand going forward."

Your Skin Stuff is dedicated to providing pre-teens with appropriate and safe skincare products while encouraging healthy skin habits. As the first brand of its kind, Your Skin Stuff is set to revolutionise the skincare industry. You can shop Your Skin Stuff at

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