Sam Wright misread messages in the team's WhatsApp group chat
(Image: No credit)

Footballer bags winning goal despite 140-mile round trip to the wrong ground

by · Manchester Evening News

A non-league footballer was left red-faced after driving 140 miles to the wrong ground - but still got back in time to score a winning goal.

Newark Town's Sam Wright misread messages in the team's WhatsApp group chat before mistakenly driving to opponents St Neots FC in Cambridgeshire. It was only then he realised his team were actually playing at home before he made a frantic dash back to Nottinghamshire in time for the second half.

Newark were 3-0 down but made an incredible comeback to win 5-3 - with attacking midfielder Wright coming off the bench to score one of the winning goals. He was sent on in the 71st minute and restored his manager's faith when he scored the final goal to put the Premier Division North League Cup tie beyond reach in the 88th minute.

Newark Town boss Luke Parson explained the moment an apologetic Wright contacted him to explain the mix-up after he found the St Neots ground deserted.

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He said: ""I got a phone call from him at the meeting time, saying, 'Where is everyone

"It was all laughter and giggles"
(Image: No credit)

"I spoke to him and he said, 'I've messed up - I am in St Neots.'"

"We normally meet quite early before the match and we knew he had enough time to get back so he could go on the bench."

Parsons added it will probably be a while before Wright lives the mistake down following his dash up the A1 to get back to the YMCA Activity Village ground. He added: "You know what lads are like, there was a bit of ripping into him and saying how can you be so thick and all this stuff.

"It was all laughter and giggles - I think it will always be remembered. To be fair, if it was at St Neots, we would probably have organised a bus. I need to be a bit wiser with the words I put in the group."