Dems are so fearful they’re now in the Trump-is-worse-than Hitler stage as Election Day nears

· New York Post

We are now at the Trump-is-worse-than Hitler stage of the Kamala Harris campaign, with just over two weeks until Election Day. 

That’s the word from The Atlantic magazine, where CIA cipher Anne Applebaum wrote another hilarious anti-Trump diatribe last week titled “Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini.”

The Atlantic has dedicated itself to destroying Donald Trump and all his works since it was bought by Laurene Jobs, the billionaire widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs, who just happens to be one of VP Kamala’s best friends, and who helped mobilize fellow Democrat donors to topple Joe Biden after his disastrous debate performance in June.

But, like so many Trump Derangement operations, Jobs’ efforts are falling flat.

Joy has vanished from the Harris campaign.

Fear is in its place — fear that the Dems might lose the election to the dreaded Trump.

Bring in the Brits

Dems are so desperate that they’ve turned to 100 activist staffers from their counterparts across the pond — the British Labour Party — for help to campaign in US swing states, sparking accusations of foreign election interference.

The operation, “Labour for Kamala,” was revealed in a LinkedIn post last week by the party’s head of operations, Sofia Patel: “I have nearly 100 Labour Party staff (current and former) going to the US in the next few weeks heading to North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia . . . I have 10 spots available for anyone available to head to the battleground state of North Carolina — we will sort your housing.”

The Brits have been backpedaling like mad since Patel’s post went viral, and insist that the foreign campaign helpers would use their annual leave to volunteer for the Democrats, — and that “the initiative is not organized or funded by the ­Labour party.”

There’s nothing to stop foreign campaign volunteers who pay their own way, but the free housing Patel seemed to promise could contravene federal law, as Elon Musk suggested when he highlighted Patel’s post on his social media platform, X: “This is illegal.”

The Federal Election Commission states that “contributions, donations, expenditures and disbursements solicited, directed, received or made directly or indirectly by or from foreign nationals in connection with any federal, state or local election” are prohibited by federal law.

Hard Labour

Patel has deleted her post — and her entire LinkedIn page — and is not answering questions on the email she helpfully provided to volunteer wannabes, so we can’t tell you how she plans to “sort” the accommodations.

But lefty Brits clearly think the Democrats are in dire need of their assistance. 

“Let’s show those Yanks how to win elections!” Patel said in an email to prospective recruits.

It’s not as if the Limeys’ chaotic, revolving-door political situation is anything to be proud of. They’ve just elected their fourth prime minister in two years: Patel’s old boss, Keir Starmer.

The new Labour PM owes his victory less to his own dubious leadership qualities than to a split in the conservative vote between Nigel Farage populists and CINO (Conservative in Name Only) establishment Tories — the type of split Harris is trying in vain to foster here with her embrace of reviled Never-Trumpers like Liz Cheney.

Imagine if Trump-friendly parties in Hungary or Israel announced they were sending over 100 volunteers to campaign for the GOP. All hell would break loose.

Instead, all we have are the usual “Republicans pounce” stories. Ho hum.

“Labour for Kamala” is a joke, but it is on par with the rest of the fading Harris campaign. 

All they have left is what Biden had — demonizing Trump — and enlisting the help of foreigners.

More disturbing on the foreign meddling front was the visit by Ukrainian President Vlodomyr Zelensky to a munitions plant in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania last month, just as early voting was starting.

The Biden-Harris administration used military assets to fly Zelensky into Biden’s hometown of Scranton on an Air Force C-17 on Sept. 22, where he was met by Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and guarded by the manpower-challenged Secret Service.

Photographs showed Zelensky signing artillery shells alongside Shapiro, a Kamala surrogate once considered as her potential running mate, and Democratic Sen. Bob Casey, who is running for re-election in a tough race against Trump ally Dave McCormick. No Republicans were invited.

Zelensky’s visit could only be read as a partisan political endorsement of Harris, particularly as he had just criticized Trump and running mate J.D. Vance in an interview with The New Yorker.

House Speaker Mike Johnson branded the visit foreign “election interference” in an irate letter to Zelensky because it “was in a politically contested battleground state, was led by a top political surrogate for Kamala Harris, and failed to include a single Republican because — on purpose — no Republicans were invited.”

“The tour was clearly a partisan campaign event designed to help Democrats and is clearly election interference,” Johnson said.

The Heritage Foundation alleges that the Zelensky photo op was an impeachable offense by Harris and Biden and is suing the administration for all communications relating to the visit.

Foreign fumbling

Trump went on sensibly to meet Zelensky in cordial fashion at New York’s Trump Tower, because he knows that ending the war in Ukraine is too important for petty partisan games.

The Democrats keep accusing Trump of enlisting foreign election interference, most recently scraping the Russia-gate barrel with a ridiculous story peddled by Bob Woodward and Never-Trumper Dan Coats, a former director of national intelligence. 

Their theory is that Vladimir Putin “must be” blackmailing Trump.

It doesn’t take Trump flipping burgers at McDonald’s to know that Harris is cooked.

Marxist sins of the fathers

Regular reader “Dublin” puts forward an interesting theory: “The fathers of Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and [ex-Obama adviser] David Axelrod were, or are, Marxist. 

“Harris is estranged from her father, Axelrod’s dad [who was registered to vote as a Communist, Axelrod divulged in his memoir “Believer”] tragically committed suicide, and Obama did not know his [Kenyan socialist] father.”

Buttigieg, an only child, was close to his father, the late Marxist professor Joseph Buttigieg, who spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto and “dedicated a significant portion of his academic career to the work of Italian Communist Party founder Antonio Gramsci, an associate of Vladimir Lenin,” according to the Washington Examiner.

While Dublin concedes that children don’t automatically inherit their parents’ politics, the common thread between these influential Democrats is “a belief that inequality in America exposes a fundamental flaw” in the country’s founding principles. 

That may explain why they conflate the Marxist concept of “equity,” meaning equality of outcome, with the noble American ideal of “equality,” meaning equality of opportunity. 

Dublin believes it’s also why they “preach identity politics, undermine free speech, risk increased crime and fentanyl deaths by opening the border, jeopardize economic growth with tax increases, imperil national security by running up the national debt and impede military recruiting by running down patriotism.”

They know the American people don’t support their agenda but “they simply feel they know best,” and pretend to move to the right during election campaigns to fool the plebs.

As an antidote, Dublin points to American economist and philosopher Thomas Sowell’s brilliant 2018 book “Discrimination and Disparities” which neatly demolishes the Marxist myths of economic inequality that have so captivated the leading lights of the Democratic Party.

Sowell, who briefly flirted with Marxism as a young man, shows that “disparities in outcome exist throughout nature and while discrimination exists throughout the world, minority rights are scrupulously protected in [America],” says Dublin. 

“Further, Sowell demonstrates that efforts to impose equality on societies have brought far more harm than good.”

Of course, the Marxist position on inequality has been a disaster in any society that has tried to implement it. See Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot. 

What hypocrisy

Hyperventilating Democrats like Josh Shapiro want to sic law enforcement onto Elon Musk because of his $1M giveaways to randomly chosen Pennsylvania voters who sign a petition upholding the constitutional rights to free speech and bear arms.

“When you start flowing this kind of money into politics it raises serious questions,” Shapiro told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday with a straight face. It’s “something that law enforcement could take a look at.”

What hypocrisy. Did Dems cry foul about Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s $400 million giveaway for “get out the vote” operations in overwhelmingly Democrat areas before the 2020 election?

Nope, and they called anyone who complained about “Zuck Bucks” an “election denier”.