Helen McEntee said knife crimes are 'serious criminal offences, which can have far reaching and devastating consequences'

Maximum sentences for knife-related offences increases

· RTE.ie

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has signed a commencement order to increase the maximum sentences for four knife-related offences.

Under the changes, the maximum sentence for the possession of a knife in a public place intending to cause injury to, incapacitate or intimidate a person has increased from five years to seven years.

Maximum sentences for trespassing with a knife or other article which has a blade or sharp point has also increased from five to seven years, as has the maximum sentence for production of any article capable of inflicting serious injury.

Meanwhile, anyone found to be manufacturing, importing, selling, hiring or loaning such offensive weapons could see their sentence increased from seven to ten years.

Announcing the changes, Ms McEntee said knife crimes are "serious criminal offences, which can have far reaching and devastating consequences."

She said the increases to maximum sentences "will further help to keep knives and other offensive weapons off our streets".

"These amendments reflect the true gravity of the offences in question and will ensure that, in the most serious cases, the courts can impose a sanction that fully matches the crime," Ms McEntee added.

The changes followed recommendations from the knife crime sub-group of the expert forum on anti-social behaviour, which is chaired by the Minister of State at the Department of Justice James Browne.

Mr Browne welcomed the changes, which he said were brought about by public concern.

He said: "The Government has listened to the public's concerns and these changes in the law are aimed at ensuring that offenders are appropriately punished and that the use of knives in crime is reduced."

He added: "These increases in the maximum sentences will send the message that the offences in question are wholly unacceptable behaviour in our society."