Mary Lou McDonald speaking to reporters at the Ard Fheis (Pic:

SF Ard Fheis debating housing, health and cost of living

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The Sinn Féin Ard Fheis in Athlone will debate motions on housing, heath, the cost of living and planning for a united Ireland.

Party leader Mary Lou McDonald will deliver her keynote address at 6.30pm.

Sinn Féin is aiming to send a clear message from the Ard Fheis that the party is offering voters a clear and very different alternative to the current Government.

Speaking to reporters, Ms McDonald said that the stakes were high in the upcoming general election, where voters will have to make an important choice.

She also said that her party was election ready, and that it would run a record number of candidates.

Despite recent election and opinion polls suggesting that Sinn Féin is facing into what could be a challenging general election campaign, Ms McDonald insisted that her party members remain confident.

When asked if she would rule out forming a government with certain political parties, Ms McDonald would only say that the best election outcome would be a government without either Fianna Fáil or Fine Gael.

At its Ard Fheis, Sinn Féin will make a pitch with policies that would see average workers no longer having to pay the USC.

Sinn Féin will also pledge to significantly cut childcare costs along with measures to tackle the cost of living.

It will also strongly promote its housing strategy which aims to build more social homes than the Government's plan.

To loud applause, the party's finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty told party delegates that Sinn Féin would deliver 300,000 new homes and ban rent increases.

He pledged too that there would be investment in the all Ireland economy and preparations for Irish unity would begin.

Last night, the delegates voted to give members a greater say in determining the party’s position on any future constitutional referendums.

It followed criticism over what was described as a failure to listen to party members’ views on the Family and Care referendums.