A man feels like he's stuck in between his parents and his wife (stock image)(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

'My parents gave my son a DNA test without my wife knowing - now she's restricted their access'

A man has caused a rift in his family after he caught his mum trying to sneakily give his son a DNA test. While she asked him to keep it a secret, he ended up telling his wife

by · The Mirror

A husband recently revealed that his parents tried to give his son a DNA test without his wife knowing. He ended up telling his spouse - and now she's limited how often her parents-in-law can see their grandchildren. While the husband is worrying whether he did the right thing or not, people are applauding his wife for setting boundaries.

The man explained that he is white and his wife is Asian and their son has more of his mother's genes. While that's a perfectly normal explanation, his mum believes that the wife has instead been unfaithful. This led her to creep into the child's bedroom while he was sleeping to take a DNA sample. While his mum made him promise that he wouldn't tell his wife, he did so anyway. And now it's caused an argument in the family.

"My mother was shocked when I walked in and whispered that I should in no circumstances tell my wife, who was sleeping in another room. I said OK. Then my mother made me promise, and I promised," he wrote on Reddit. "When my wife woke up the first thing I did was tell her, because there's no way I'm going to let something like that slide. My parents and sisters think I shouldn't have told my wife, and they think I should convince her to get over it. I don't know though. I don't feel like I was in the wrong."

He added: "I don't want my god-damned son's DNA in some database that will probably erroneously link him to the Zodiac Killer or something." After he told his wife what happened, she has since said she wants to limit how often his parents can see the young boy. Because of this, the man's family have made him feel guilty for speaking with his wife but commenters were quick to support his decision in telling her. Many have even gone as far as to say this parents should be barred from seeing their grandchildren entirely. Commenters have been extremely passionate about the topic, writing the man lengthy replies.

"Not the a***hole. You should have taken the swab out of your mother's hand so that she didn't have the sample, but I understand you may have been so shocked that you didn't think to do it. You did the right thing by telling your wife, don't let other people create a rift between you and her. That is the kind of secret that would not stay secret for long. Your parents are going to treat your children differently, don't let them do that. It is good to give them a time out away from your little ones, the babies don't need to be exposed to that type of racism," one person wrote.

"I think you're the a***hole for not going far enough. YOU deal with your family. Your wife shouldn't have had to call them, YOU should have put a stop to this immediately and thrown them out of your house. YOU should have confronted them for their treatment of your second kid," someone else said. A third added: "Thank the heavens you had the sense not to keep that a secret. You're not wrong, they are, they accused your wife of infidelity. How would you feel if your in-laws did that to you?"

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