David and Samantha Cameron were supplied with clothes from donor money in order to look 'smart'(Image: (Credit too long, see caption))

David Cameron and wife Samantha got freebie clothes paid for with Tory donor cash

The former Tory leader and his wife were supplied with clothes to "look smart", which were paid for with a pot of party cash funded by donors. They were not declared

by · The Mirror

David Cameron and his wife Samantha were supplied with clothes paid for with Tory donor cash - and did not declare them.

After days of the Tories taking aim at Keir Starmer for accepting freebie clothes, George Osborne let slip on a podcast that the former Tory leader and foreign secretary had done the same.

"In the case of Samantha Cameron," the former Chancellor told Co-host Ed Balls on the Political Currency podcast last week, "I think what happened - I wasn't directly involved in this - but the Conservative Party out of its general funds, money that had been donated to it, did provide money for the Leader of the Opposition, as he then was, and then Prime Minister to look smart and for his wife to look smart. But there was not a direct link to a donor."

Mr Balls added: "So donors paid into a pot, and the pot was then available, so presumably you wouldn't have to declare the party doing that because it would be a normal party expense."

David and Samantha Cameron in 2009, while he was leader of the opposition( Image: PA)

Tory leadership frontrunner Robert Jenrick, a few days earlier, had criticised Mr Starmer for going “round with a begging bowl to Labour donors to pay for designer clothing - Disgusting.” And when the news emerged of Mr and Mrs Starmer not immediately declaring gifts of clothing from Lord Alli, a Labour peer, the Conservative Party demanded a full investigation.

Mr Cameron did not declare any gifts of clothes or cash towards clothing on his register of interests while Prime Minister - but he did declare other donated freebies, including £7,500 worth of free personal training sessions. He also declared honorary memberships of the Carlton Club and Ellesbrough Golf Club, private helicopter and plane travel from five different firms and two designer lamps worth £749 from lighting firm Original BTC.

During his time as Opposition leader he was also gifted at least two Fortnum and Mason's Hampers and twelve silver goblets by named party donors - as well as borrowing a Subaru Outback over Christmas 2007, which was on loan from billionaire business man Robert Edmiston.

On Sunday Tory former minister Chris Philp declared that getting someone else to pay for your clothes was " weird ". A spokesperson for Lord Cameron declined to comment. The Conservative Party were approached for comment.