It's a mystery whether Autumn ventured out alone or was dumped by the burglar(Image: Getty Images)

Missing guinea pig found miles away after playing recording of brother squeaking

Guinea pig Autumn vanished from a family home in Essex but was found almost ten miles away when the family used a recording of his squeaking relative to locate him

by · The Mirror

A guinea pig missing for three weeks was found nine miles away after his owner played a recording of his brother squeaking.

Autumn vanished after a break-in at his home. Devastated owner Keeley Scott thought he was lost forever.

But when walkers on a Facebook page reported a brown and white guinea pig on a river path nine miles away she set out armed with recordings of Autumn’s brother Pig.

Keeley, mum of twins Tallulah and Sebastien, 10, said: “We found our piggy! The pair are back together and so happy. It’s a little miracle amid such a horrible event.

“It was a bit like fishing for a guinea pig and we nearly got him a few times. Then we played him the sounds of Pig and that seemed to work. We’ve not got anything back from the burglary so finding him is a silver lining.”

Keeley, from Roydon, Essex, thanked the public for their support and updates via social media.

Hundreds followed the story, posting photos of Autumn happily grazing alongside the river in Bishop’s Stortford, Herts.

It is still a mystery whether the burglar took and dumped Autumn or whether he made his own way to the next county.