Linda admitted that she 'gave up' trying to clean her home(Image: Channel 4)

'I haven't cleaned my home in years - carpet is filthy and I ignore the loo'

Extreme cleaner Caren went to Linda's home and was left absolutely mortified at the state of it - saying that it made her feel "sick" and that it needed a "good clear out and clean"

by · The Mirror

A woman who confessed to not having properly cleaned her house in nearly a decade left a cleaning devotee utterly "sick" as she stepped through the door - later saying she felt the need to "take her clothes off, have a shower and put everything on a hot wash".

Cleaning-enthusiast Caren, who spends £50 on cleaning supplies every week and devotes four hours daily to keeping her home spotless, considers it the "highlight" of her day. She even goes through an entire bottle of cleaning spray for each room. On an episode of Channel 4's

Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners

from 2013, Caren revealed her obsessive measures include not allowing her cat outside without a lead to avoid dragging any dirt back into her house.

So, when Caren visited Linda's South East London home, which hadn't seen a mop in nine years, she was appalled. Linda owned up to her residence being "abysmal", reeking and showing more dust than carpet. Meanwhile, Linda's son Matt echoed his mother's lax approach to tidiness, saying: "I'll clear up when I have the time or can be bothered".

There was a lot of clutter in the living space( Image: Channel 4)

Amidst bin bags, clutter, cat fur and dust coating the carpets, a dismayed Caren suggested the place desperately needed a "good clear out and clean". After inquiring what went wrong, Linda simply conceded that she just "gave up." Linda confessed that when it comes to her kitchen, which is often cluttered with unwashed utensils, she tends to "move everything along", acknowledging that she does clean as she goes because she doesn't want her and her son to be eating anything with germs on it.

This approach starkly contrasts with extreme cleaner Caren's methods, who revealed that sometimes she just makes her bed to admire it, not even to sleep in it. Upon entering the bathroom, Caren appeared uneasy and upon lifting the toilet seat, she questioned: "Does it not bother you seeing all that poo?", to which Linda conceded it did, but she overlooks it to avoid cleaning.

However, Linda felt deeply insulted by Caren's reaction to her home, particularly stung by her comment: "I'd kill my son if he did this to his bedroom", in reference to the mess in Matt's room. The scene shifted to show Caren outside Linda’s house, meticulously cleaning her sandals, while admitting: "I feel like I want to take my clothes off, have a shower, and put everything on a hot wash."

There was dust all over the carpets( Image: Channel 4)

She also confessed that Linda's house made her feel "sick." Meanwhile, the narrator dropped a bombshell statistic revealing that 42 per cent of people have never cleaned their home from top to bottom. Later in the programme, as Caren was assisting Linda and Matt with their decluttering efforts, Matt proved to be more cooperative than Linda. As a result, Caren requested an extra "an hour of his time" in the morning due to the "masses to do."

Despite his generally positive and helpful demeanour, he was hesitant to commit any more time as he had band practice and needed to rise early the next day. The following day, Caren declared she was "raring to go", even without Matt's assistance, and they managed to fill half a skip with clutter from just one room. Linda expressed that it felt "freeing" to discard items and clean, but Caren worried that Matt might not share the same sentiment.

Caren also tasked Matt with removing a stain on the ceiling from a party he hosted in 2008, which he confessed was "cheese." Under Caren's guidance, he removed it within seconds, prompting her to remark how easy it was. Linda then admitted that seeing things come together made her feel "uplifted." The show then switched to a scene of Caren and Linda in the bathroom, where Caren was instructing Linda on how to clean her toilet.

Linda exclaimed: "That's a lot of bleach", to which Karen retorted: "It doesn't matter, we're going to need it, it's a lot of poo." Caren then insisted Linda scrub the loo herself, stating she'd done enough for her and didn't want to put her hands in her toilet. The show concluded with warm embraces as Linda and Matt took pride in their handiwork, promising to keep the place tidier than before.

Matt declared: "I'm going to help out more now it's easier to maintain", adding that he wouldn't feel "embarrassed" to invite people into his bedroom anymore. Linda expressed her gratitude towards Caren for restoring her faith in humanity, simply stating "thank you."