Kamala Harris. Screenshot: Fox News

Kamala makes her case on Fox News

by · Boing Boing

Would you prefer a Kamala Harris presidency that she owes to Fox News viewers, or a Donald Trump presidency that he owes to Elon Musk? Spoiler: you would prefer the Harris one. And she did well in last night's grilling by a testy Bret Baier [Fox News], with direct and forthright answers to hostile questions— and a willingness to both explain her policy shifts and swat away his interruptions. In a few days, perhaps we'll see if it helped.

It's hard to find good written coverage of it. (Update: recommended) Partisan media is no less tilted than my own introductory paragraph and the stories in supposedly impartial media are editorialized throughout with horse-racey triangulation, filler talk about polls, and aloof bullshit (CNN's headline this morning is "Both Harris and Fox News probably got what they wanted"). If you're interested you should watch it yourself [Fox News] and tell others what you feel about it without my or anyone else's summarization getting in the way. Unfortunately, Fox News doesn't seem to have posted the whole thing on YouTube or anywhere else embeddable, so like her, you'll have to go into the lion's anus.

Next up in the media tour: Joe Rogan—maybe!

If you haven't already voted, check your registration or register to vote at vote.gov, then vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.