Clare Daly was a TD for Dublin North, later renamed Fingal, between 2011 and 2019. Photo: PA

Clare Daly to run in general election in Dublin Central

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Clare Daly has announced she will run in the upcoming general election in Dublin Central.

The former Dublin MEP lost her seat in the European Parliament in June after failing to reach the quota on count 17.

Ms Daly was a TD for Dublin North, later renamed Fingal, between 2011 and 2019.

She will run for Independents 4 Change in a constituency that includes TDs such as Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald, Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe, Green Party TD Neasa Hourigan and Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon.

In a statement posted on X, Ms Daly said: "I am deeply concerned at the direction the country is going and at the lack of any serious challenge, debate, or holding to account of the Government in the Dáil or the media.

"We have record inequality against the backdrop of record wealth; a housing and rents crisis that has forced many to emigrate while plunging others into poverty or homelessness, with affordable secure accommodation denied to even those with relatively decent employment.

"We have abject failure to take adequate steps to deal with the imminent dangers from climate change; the undermining of our neutrality and further integration into EU militarisation; and complete failure to take action against Israeli genocide in Gaza.

"That approach is needed now more than ever, as the city is neglected and communities feel abandoned. I have a long track record as a serious organiser from my student days, on to my work as a shop-steward and leader of the Anti-Water Charges & Anti-Bin Charges campaigns.

"I have a reputation for taking up issues before they were popular, be it abortion rights or Garda reform. I have an international profile as an anti-war and pro- Palestine advocate."