The Young Alternative, the AfD youth organization that put out the dance video, has been classified by Germany’s domestic intelligence agency as an extremist group since last year.Jens Schlueter/Getty Images

Germany’s far right is winning over the young – POLITICO


BERLIN — “Daddy, tell me about the days when you were able to save Germany just in time,” a young girl asks her father as the two sit on the veranda of their idyllic home in an AI generated video by the youth wing of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

“It all started with the great remigration,” replies the father, birds chirping as they gaze out over their flowery garden. And then the dance beat kicks in. 

This is the beginning of the video for “Remigration Hit,” a far-right dance track which imagines the deportation of migrants from Germany en masse. The widely shared video for the song portrays mostly blond-haired, blue-eyed pilots and flight attendants — embodying, it seems, delusive Nazi conceptions of “Aryan” racial purity — dancing in celebration as they deport people of color in planes decorated in the blue and red of the AfD.