Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980) arriving in Khartoum, Sudan, for a state visit on February 12th 1959.Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Balkan plot to dig up Yugoslav leader Tito’s remains hits a wall  – POLITICO


BELGRADE — Cuban cigar in hand and decked out in his signature white suit, the former Yugoslavia’s iconic WWII leader Josip Broz Tito would likely have had a hearty chuckle at the fiery debate that has been ignited by plans to move his grave from the Serbian capital to his birthplace in Croatia.

Belgrade’s nationalist mayor, Aleksandar Šapić, is pushing to exhume the Yugoslav hero, arguing that relocating Tito to his birthplace in the Croatian town of Kumrovec is a key issue for Serbia.

“I think that moving the tomb of Josip Broz from the Museum of Yugoslavia is an extremely important matter for the Serbian people and the future of this country,” Šapić said during a meeting of the city assembly on Monday that had been called to discuss budget issues.