Joint pain can cause sleepless nights(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Pharmacist's 'simple' thing to do before bed if you're struggling to sleep

Pharmacist Noel Wick, who is an advisor for Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel, has shared some stretches to try before bed in a bid to help alleviate muscle and joint pain and improve sleep

by · The Mirror

The importance of a good night's rest is undeniable – it's a cornerstone for our body and brain's performance, making the difference between feeling refreshed or utterly drained the next day.

A poor night's sleep can lead to fatigue, impaired focus, dipping productivity, and a sour mood – only skimming the myriad of benefits that come from proper rest. Yet, according to shocking data uncovered by Typharm, a whopping seven out of ten full-time workers in the UK are going to bed with muscle or joint pain. What's worse, a hefty 74 per cent have conceded that this pain directly disturbs their sleep.

It's high time to sound the alarm, as the Department of Health suggests adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. However, the research shows a troubling 26 per cent of those suffering from muscle or joint discomfort slog through with just four to five hours of rest.

Only 13 per cent manage to secure six or more hours under these painful conditions. Offering his insight, Pharmacist Noel Wick, who consults for Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel, said: "A lack of sleep has been linked to several different disorders including heart disease, obesity, type-2 diabetes and a compromised immune system. So it's important that sleep is a priority. However, so many Brits are struggling, with pain clearly being a literal sore point that's impacting the nation's shut-eye."

A new study has revealed that over half of Brits (52%) suffer from lower back aches, while 35% and 30% have issues with their shoulders and neck respectively. Joint pain is also a common complaint, with nearly half experiencing knee pain, 41% suffering from lower back discomfort, and 24% blaming their hips.

The research highlights the physical distress that is causing sleep deprivation across the UK. A variety of factors are behind these aches and pains, with 30% resulting from sports injuries and 29% due to age-related issues, reports the Express.

Over a quarter of those surveyed also experience pain due to medical conditions such as arthritis, while 21% attribute their discomfort to work-related injuries. Interestingly, the relationship between pain and sleep is somewhat paradoxical.

More than a third (34%) reported that their pain worsens if their sleep is disrupted, yet 85% believe that poor-quality sleep prolongs the duration of muscle and joint pain. Noel commented: "Ultimately, we need to nip pain in the bud so the nation can get their sleep back on track! The Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel survey has revealed that a staggering 98% of working Brits have suffered from muscle and/or joint pain, so something needs to be done."

Stretches to try before bed for better sleep

He suggested some stretches to try before bed for better sleep. Noel advised: "Stretching is a great way to help ease tight, sore muscles and help alleviate muscle and joint pain. Give these a try before bed."

Seated Spinal Twist: Stretch your back, glutes, hips, shoulders and neck. Start by sitting on the ground with your legs out in front of you. Bend your right knee and take your right foot and place it on the floor outside your left thigh. Place your left arm around your right thigh and if you need to, place your right hand on the floor behind you for extra stability. Gently twist to the right side, feeling the rotation in your back. Hold this for 30 seconds before swapping sides.

Cat-Cow Stretch: This exercise is perfect for stretching your back and hips. Begin on all fours, ensuring your hands are directly beneath your shoulders and your knees are directly under your hips.

As you exhale, arch your back upwards, looking through your legs. On the inhale, reverse the movement by dropping your belly down and lifting your head towards the sky. Repeat this 20 times in total.

Neck Twist: This stretch targets your neck and shoulders. Position your left hand on your lower back with your palm facing away from your body.

Then, tilt your neck to the right and look downwards. Using your right hand, gently guide your head down, feeling a gentle pull down the left side of your neck. Hold this position for 20 seconds before switching sides. Repeat as many times as needed.

Door Frame Assisted Chest Stretch: This stretch works your chest, shoulders, and back while improving your posture. Start by standing in a door frame.

Place your forearms on the doorframe, ensuring your shoulders and elbows form right angles. Gently lean forward until you feel a stretch across your chest and shoulders. Hold this position for 20 seconds before taking a break and repeating three times.

Noel said: "There is no reason to simply put up with the discomfort and disrupted sleep caused by aching muscles and joints. Rather than build up reliance on strong painkillers, which can increase the risk of side effects and dependency, we need to provide people with a range of options for pain relief which can include topical over-the-counter anti-inflammatory products, such as Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel.

"It's vital we get the nation sleeping properly again, so that we can live our lives to the fullest, pain-free."