Kayla Barnes-Lentz, 33, and Warren Lentz hope to live until they're 150(Image: kaylabarnes/Instagram)

World's 'healthiest' couple claim to have found the secret to living to 150

A couple in their thirties believe they have discovered the secret to living until they are 150-years-old but their lifestyle isn't for everyone

by · The Mirror

A married couple from America claim they have found the secret to living until they are 150-years-old and they’ve shared their secrets with the rest of the world.

Kayla Barnes-Lentz, 33, and Warren Lentz, 36, who live in Cleveland have been married for a year after dating for just nine months. And they are so loved up that they have set their sights set on living to the grand old age of 150, something they say they're achieving by “optimising their mind and body”.

They wake before dawn, take turns in a hyperbaric chamber, eat dinner at 5.30pm and go to bed by 9pm, they told The Guardian. Kayla, co-owner of Longevity Clinic LYV the Wellness Space and her marketing agency husband Warren Lentz, 36, start the day with Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) which stimulates the cells and reduces inflammation. After that they work out, take a walk while the sun rises and enjoy an organic breakfast, followed by cold-water dips and taking turns in their hyperbaric chamber - a pressurised space where you breathe in pure oxygen which can help the body heal and fight infection.

Kayla Barnes-Lentz takes her health and wellbeing very seriously( Image: Kayla Barnes-Lentz /Youtube)

So how did the couple find each other? The pair met on a dating app and wasted no time bringing up the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. “Health was brought up immediately,” Kayla said. “I also asked for his labs on our second call.” She then sent her new love interest extra tests to complete which involved a gut test, comprehensive blood work, genetic test and total toxic burden test.

But it doesn’t stop there. They have a strict dinner time of 5.30pm, take another walk after eating, expose themselves to red light after sunset and are always in bed by 9pm. This life certainly isn’t for everyone - not only is it time consuming – it’s expensive too - the couple spend six figures a year trying to prolong their lives.

The couple take turns in a Hyperbaric Chamber to prevent infection( Image: eyJpdiI6InFidk1SZXRNc1NcLzNXM0huYjJxZ053PT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IitPRFo3TkROSzVKYUJuRVloR2c3WEdHN2g0Rk0wZDlSVzJXalwvbkVKMnRra1Z3bDZJeGxnV3F5Q0NPaXlYemN1IiwibWFjIjoiZmQzNmU3NTk3ZjI5ZmMxODQyYmNiMDVhNmRlZjIxOGIw)

By living to a strict regime, the couple hope to reach 150 - nearly double the age of the average American who lives to around 76 years old. And they are hoping to have a family one day. Kayla says she has been preparing her body for motherhood for years and plans to bring the children up in a certain way too.

“We will try and simplify their lives and focus on no screen time, playing outdoors, getting dirty, being in nature and the sun,” Kayla said. “I am excited to teach them the beauty and power of well-grown food and how it can make them feel incredible. We want to empower them to make the right choices and lead by example.”