Hospital discharges against medical advice tied to increased overdose risk

· News-Medical

People who initiate a premature or "before medically advised" (BMA) hospital discharge have a 10-fold increase in the risk of drug overdose in the following month, according to new research in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal)

"These findings indicate that patients initiating a BMA discharge are at high risk of overdose, that BMA discharge may be a causal contributor to subsequent overdose, and that patients initiating a BMA discharge (especially those with a history of substance use disorder) should be offered urgent clinical and social supports to reduce overdose-related harms," write the authors.

They suggest there are opportunities to improve medical care for these patients.

"Hospitals and health systems should develop evidence-based protocols to prevent BMA discharge and should explore novel means of postdeparture outreach to reduce the risk of drug overdose after hospital discharge," the authors advise.


Canadian Medical Association Journal

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