Libra Daily Horoscope Today (Sept 23- Oct 22), September 28, 2024: Happiness will prevail!
Read Libra Horoscope Today for September 28: Happiness will prevail. Check the full predictions here.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Today (Oct 23- Nov21), September 28, 2024: Self-confidence will be high!
Read Scorpio Horoscope Today for September 28,2024: Self-confidence will be high. Check the full predictions here.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Today (Jan 20- Feb 18), September 28, 2024: Personal matters will improve!
Read Aquarius Horoscope Today for September 28, 2024: Personal matters will improve. Check the full predictions here.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Today (Feb 19-Mar 20), September 28, 2024: Positivity will increase!
Read Pisces Horoscope Today for September 28, 2024: Positivity will increase. Check the full predictions here.
Horoscopes Sept. 29–Oct. 5 - Horoscopes on the Horizon
Overview On Oct. 2, we can embrace the opportunity for a fresh start with the New Moon in Libra. This New Moon is particularly special as it coincides with an annular solar eclipse, commonly referred to as a "ring of fire" eclipse. Unfortunately, this celestial event won't be visible from Canada; however, those travelling to South America during this time can witness this extraordinary phenomenon. With the energy of the New Moon in Libra, a sign associated with relationships and balance, we are given a remarkable chance to cultivate peace and harmony in all of our connections with others.
last updated on 28 Sep 14:54