Keep your lettuce fresh thanks to this hack [stock image](Image: Getty Images)

Simple £2 kitchen staple keeps lettuce fresh for weeks - but many don't bother

A woman has shared a simple hack to keep your lettuce fresh for weeks - and all you need is a £2 kitchen staple to make sure it doesn't go off in a matter of days

by · The Mirror

Finally, there's a solution to prevent your lettuce from wilting within days of purchase.

As the UK transitions into autumn, bidding farewell to sunny salad weather, it doesn't mean we have to say goodbye to lettuce. This leafy green is a versatile addition to sandwiches, tacos and burgers.

However, it's frustrating when lettuce turns mouldy before you've had a chance to use it all. We're all familiar with the disappointment of finding an opened bag of lettuce has turned brown and slimy in just a few days.

Lettuce is arguably one of the quickest vegetables to spoil once we bring it home from the supermarket. If you live alone or don't fancy eating leaves for three consecutive days, it can seem impossible to use it all before it spoils. Luckily, there's a way to extend the life of our lettuce - by storing it correctly.

In a TikTok video, a woman named Zol shared a simple trick to make our lettuce last longer, involving just one common kitchen item. Zol suggested that if you have a whole lettuce like a little gem or an iceberg, the best way to store it is to remove it from its plastic bag, wrap it in kitchen foil, and then place it in the fridge, reports the Express.

A savvy shopper has shared a nifty trick to keep your lettuce crisp for weeks, and all you need is some kitchen foil. Her step-by-step guide, revealed through snaps shared online, includes: "Wash your lettuce, dry the lettuce using paper towels or a cloth, and remove the outer layer. Wrap the lettuce in foil and store it in the fridge. This will help your lettuce stay fresh for longer."

Kitchen foil, an affordable secret weapon priced at around £2 or less at most major supermarkets - with Sainsbury's, Asda, and Tesco offering some at only £1.40, while M&S and Waitrose have options for £2 - isn't just for cooking anymore.

However, this tip particularly benefits whole lettuces as opposed to the prepared varieties sold in bags, which are best kept fresh in an airtight container with a piece of kitchen roll to soak up excess moisture. Thrilled with this revelation, several viewers pledged to give this technique a go, with one person commenting: "Thank you, will definitely try it! " and another stating excitedly: "Wow, I will try this! Thank you."