Cat Deeley slams 'controversial' This Morning segment as she admits 'this is not right'

This Morning presenter Cat Deeley was left far from impressed by a segment at the start of Thursday's show, as she slammed a hack to make a cup of tea using an air fryer.

by · Birmingham Live

Cat Deeley was less than impressed during a segment on Thursday's This Morning, where the topic of unconventional tea-making methods came up. The conversation started with co-host Ben Shephard questioning how people preferred to brew their tea.

Following the guests' revelations about their tea-making habits, Ben pondered whether anyone would consider using an air fryer to make a cuppa.

A clip was then shown of a woman demonstrating a kitchen hack for brewing tea in an air fryer, which clearly didn't sit well with Cat as she exclaimed: "Urgh, it'll smell of chips and salmon."

While the clip played, Ben said: "She's put the milk in, she's put the sugar in. She's put in the air fryer for six minutes, which seems longer than it would take to boil the kettle and do it anyway."

Despite her reservations, Juliet Sear was tasked with replicating the air fryer tea-making process, reports the Mirror.

Cat wasn't impressed with the tea hack (Image: ITV)

Cat openly expressed her doubts as she commented: "This is not right!"

Juliet mentioned that in the original video, milk was added mid-way through the process, but she opted to include it from the start, prompting Cat to interject with: "Oh controversial!"

The segment ended with Ben feeling queasy and announcing an ad break, promising viewers they'd sample the unusual brew upon return.

Juliet couldn't help but chuckle as she retrieved the beverages from the air fryer as she said: "The teabags look a bit toasted!"

Juliet was tasked with making the drinks for the presenters (Image: ITV)

Nick Ferrari didn't hold back on his thoughts about the appearance of the drink, saying: "That looks like the colour of toilet water to me."

The tasting session didn't go down well, with all present clearly not enjoying the flavour.

Cat grimaced and mentioned that the tea was a tad too milky for her liking, while Ben simply stated: "It's just lukewarm."

Sonia Sodha summed up the sentiment with a definitive: "Long live the kettle".

Ben and Cat were not impressed with their drink (Image: ITV)

During the segment, Ben revealed how thorough the process of making a cup of tea was in his household.

He confessed: "You leave the bag, and you set the timer it has to brew for four minutes exactly. We have a timer on the fridge, so you hit the timer and the bag goes in."

However, Cat had a simpler approach as said she likes a builder's tea with half a sugar to treat herself from time to time.

This Morning continues weekdays on ITV from 10am.