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Schoolboy, 15, pulled out of class for 'extreme' haircut that helps his eczema

Liam, 15, was removed from class and placed in a behavioural unit after his skin fade haircut was deemed 'extreme' by Strood Academy in Kent

by · Birmingham Live

Strood Academy's head, Jon Richardson, has defended the school's tough stance on hairstyles following a controversy over a pupil's skin fadea cut made to alleviate his severe eczema. He argues that the strict rules aim to maintain 'equality and focus' among students.

Yet, the 15 year old student named Liam found himself ousted from class and relocated to a behavioural unit for his hair, an action his parents have slammed as 'ridiculous'.

The school's haircut policy expressly bans "No extreme haircuts. eg: Skin fades, graphics, lines and must be a minimum of grade one cut (senior leadership teams discretion)."

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Liam's stepfather, Barry Sandman, a builder by trade, insists penalising his stepson for his hairstyle is unnecessary and cruel, pointing out it serves to alleviate symptoms associated with Liam's severe eczema which can worsen when he's overheated.

To compound matters, the stress of being taken out of class exacerbated the teenager's skin issues. He had gotten his hair cut on Saturday, September 21, and was attending classes without issue until Wednesday, September 25, when it was decided his haircut didn't conform to school standards.

The teen was put in the behavioural unit the following day, which led to his mother confronting the school authorities of Leigh Academies Trust, consequently taking her son home.

Liam had to spend Friday working from home and even sought medical documentation for his eczema following the incident.

Mr Sandman expressed his frustration when his stepson was allowed back into lessons on Monday (Sept 30) after his hair had apparently grown out to an acceptable length. Despite his relief, the 47 year old insists that his stepson's hairstyles should be exempt from the school's regulations due to the boy's eczema.

"Something needs to change as Liam shouldn't be missing out teaching time in his final year of GCSEs for a haircut that looks smart," he argued vehemently, adding, "It's not like he has a mohawk, massively long braids or blue-dyed hair.."

"If he had dreadlocks that were bright pink that would probably be fine."

Mr Sandman remarked sarcastically.

He further explained the practicality and prevalence of the hairstyle: "It is a sensible haircut. Pretty much every teenager in Medway has a similar haircut."

Highlighting the professionalism connected to the haircut style, he continued, "Professionals have similar trims and it would not stop him from getting a job."

Moreover, he linked the necessity of the hairstyle to health reasons, saying, "Plus he has his haircut like this as he has suffered from eczema for years and the skin fade keeps his head cool during the autumn and summer months as the heat from wearing a blazer, shirt and coat makes him sweat and irritates his skin."

Despite providing the school with medical documentation, Mr Sandman confirmed, "He has been having the same haircut for years and we have provided the school with the medical details but because it doesn't say explicitly that he needs a skin fade the school did not take it into account."

Outlining the educational impact, he asserted, "Him being taken out of class for this is ridiculous and unnecessary. It did not stop him or other kids from getting on with their work."

Mr Sandman conveyed his dissatisfaction with the school's communication about the issue, revealing he had made numerous unanswered calls to the main reception. He indicated his intention to file a formal written complaint about the matter.

Mr Sandman asserted that headteacher Mr Richardson has been 'avoiding' his calls, but he's finally secured a meeting at the school next week.

"They are refusing to talk to me," Mr Sandman persisted.

"The headteacher has been avoiding my calls."

"It's horrible. Children need to feel happy and confident while they're learning."

"His eczema is why he has short hair. Something needs to be done."

"Children are being victimised and picked on."

"This headteacher makes all of the children line up in the morning and the lines have to be perfect."

"It's regimental style... They have uniform checks every morning."

"Liam's neck had flared up when he went to the doctor and she said it was down to stress."

Yet, Strood Academy's headteacher Mr Richardson, in charge of more than 1,300 pupils, stated there will be no amendments to the policies.

In a statement, he explained: "Strood Academy is committed to maintaining a positive and inclusive learning environment where high standards of behaviour and appearance are upheld."

"These standards are consistently applied across the academy to ensure all students are prepared for learning and that our school community remains focused on achieving the best possible outcomes for every child."

"We are cognizant of concerns expressed by a parent concerning a student who was assigned to the academy's behavioural unit following issues regarding his haircut length which did not conform with the academy's dress code.

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"The academy has a clear and well-established dress code, including guidelines on appropriate hairstyles, which is communicated to parents and students at the beginning of each academic year."

"These guidelines are in place to promote a sense of equality and focus across the academy."

"We are in communication with the parent and have offered a meeting to discuss their concerns in more detail."

"We always take into consideration any specific circumstances, including medical conditions, and seek to work collaboratively with parents to resolve matters."

"At this time, no formal complaint has been lodged, and we continue to engage with the parent to find an appropriate resolution."