The fed up mistress hates that her lover prioritises his wife and kids over her (Stock Image)(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

'I've been sleeping with best pal's hubby for 19 years - I'm sick of him putting his kids first'

A woman who has been having an affair with her best friend's husband for nearly 20 years says she's sick of him putting his kids first. Now she wants him to leave his wife and make her his top priority

by · The Mirror

A woman who has been sleeping with her best friend's husband for 19 years says she now wants him to do the right thing and leave his wife for her.

Earlier this month, the fed-up other woman, whose name is Carla called into SiriusXM's It's Me, Tinx podcast, where she divulged all about her 'train wreck' two-decade romp, which has produced a 17-year-old daughter.

According to Carla, the already tangled web has become even more complicated given that she's been best friends with her lover's wife 'for a while'. Explaining that there were two sides to the story, Carla told a stunned Tinx: "So I'm a horrible person in some ways, but she didn't help the situation."

In a grim twist, the wronged wife is now said to be fully aware of the lengthy affair - and of the teenage daughter who remains blissfully unaware of her mother's 'bad choices'.

Detailing the connection she shares with her married lover, Carla shared: "I love him and I believe one hundred per cent that he is in love with me. We have great sex, we finish sentences, we know the B-sides of records that nobody knows, so all of that is wonderful. But he's married... not to me. And I know that is technically not okay."

According to Carla, the one thing they do tend to disagree on is his choosing to put his kids first, with the frustrated mistress reckoning she should be given top priority. Carla, whose own child grew up believing her parents had chosen to live apart, revealed: "Our biggest arguments and the few break-ups that we've had have been exactly over that. I'll be damned, you've got 900 kids... and as soon as something comes up with them I'm pushed down, and I'm so sick of being seventh and eighth - f**k you!"

Lovesick Carla also takes issue with how his wife is behaving, and believes she's '100%' only clinging onto her embattled marriage out of 'spite'. She fumed: "The one thing that she doesn't wanna do is give him up to me!" Carla proceeded to confess that her paramour had toyed with leaving his wife on various occasions, but had never actually gone through with it. No she's pushing him to do 'the right thing'.

As Tinx listened with visible amazement, Carla continued: "We've talked about it and every once in a while we inch towards 'he's gonna do the right thing', but the right thing still hasn't been done."

Offering her two cents on the seriously messy situation, Tinx encouraged Carla to cut ties once and for all and to start afresh with a man in a position to treat her as his 'number one'. Tinx urged: "You deserve that. Let this be a new chapter in your life. I know it'll be hard, but I actually think you will love being put first and I think you've gotta put yourself first so you can find a man who puts you first."

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