A woman has revealed her friends are livid with her for leaving them at the airport(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

'My best friends aren't speaking to me after I left them at the airport'

A woman has explained how she rushed onto a plane at the last minute leaving two of her friends behind, leading the pair to feel angry and abandoned by the on-time pal

by · The Mirror

A woman is in hot water with her pals after she left them at an airport and caught a plane without them.

Last week a man divided opinion after admitting he boarded a plane without his wife because she was getting a coffee. Now a different traveller has explained how she also marched up the plane steps without their companions. The frustrated holidaymaker had rented a house with five friends and booked tickets onto a double-legged flight. The first was delayed, meaning the group had to "sprint" through the airport to the next plane to get on in time.

She took to Reddit to explain: "When we arrived were told to immediately get on the plane. We did, thinking they would hold it for Agnes and Beth. They did not hold the plane and Agnes and Beth were left behind in the connecting city. There was a plane later that evening, but they decided to drive the three hours instead."

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the friends who had been left behind were not happy. The on-time-traveller continued: "They were immediately very upset, texting us how could we get on the plane without them. We immediately expressed regret and willingness to help however we could, including waiting at the next airport for the next flight before taking the one hour drive to the house."

Things took a turn for the worse when the two late friends rented an electric car to make the journey instead, only for it to die in the middle of the countryside, meaning they had to get a hotel for the night. When Agnes and Beth eventually got there, they "wouldn't look at or talk to us".

While the three friends who made it to the plane in time "read the room and initiated a conversation and profusely apologised", this was not enough for the left behind duo. "Agnes and Beth maintained we should not have gotten on the plane without them, then we would have all been together and made the next step decision together instead of leaving friends behind," the woman continued.

"I didn't think this was really that terrible of a thing to do, but (my friend's) deep and meaningful apology made me realise maybe I am way off on my moral reckoning and it's making me wonder if I'm a more selfish person than I thought." The majority of people felt like the three who made it to the plane had done nothing wrong. One person wrote: " If I was one of the two on the back of the plane I would want you to get on the plane. Some of us in a big party should get to the final destination on time or as early as possible to make sure cars/accommodation/etc are obtained. I'm not 4-years-old."

Another added: "None of this is your fault. It's wrong for them to be guilting you." A third chimed in: "Everybody knew they had to get to the gate as soon as possible, and you had no way of knowing that your friends would miss the plane. It would have been nice if you told the gate agent that two more of your party were coming, and just at the back of the plane. But there's no guarantee that the flight would have been held. And it's good that the one friend waited for the friend in the back."

Do you think they were right to leave their friends? Let us know in the comments below.