Tom King remained in hospital during this Monday's Emmerdale(Image: ITV)

ITV Emmerdale viewers seething with one villager as Tom King revenge 'confirmed'

Viewers have had enough of Tom King's antics in Emmerdale but during this Monday's instalment of the ITV soap, another villager close to him earned the ire of TV fans.

by · The Mirror

While Tom King's evil deeds have caused an uproar on social media, Amelia Spencer has also managed to become one of Emmerdale's most disliked characters for supporting him.

The 18-year-old mother portrayed by Daisy Campbell has been leaving ITV viewers in a frenzy after she became smitten with the sinister vet, despite their abhorrent age gap, and James Chase's Dales alter ego has made the most of it by love-bombing her and taking advantage of her naivety to get what he wants.

As a result, Tom has managed to manipulate Amelia into helping him get to Belle, which backfired when the wedding planner struck him with an axe. This Monday, September 30, 2024, an enamoured Amelia grassed on Belle to the authorities, adding that she'd been making Tom's life a nightmare - which, as fans know, is a lie.

Amelia Spencer has angered ITV viewers again as she continues to support Tom King

Fans of the Yorkshire-based drama took to Twitter, now X, as they were fuming with Amelia for not seeing through Tom's lies. "I'm beginning to think the writers despise Amelia as much as most of the viewers do. They've made her infuriating", one wrote, while another echoed: "Honestly Belle, let Tom kill Amelia. She won’t be missed." A third continued: "Didn't think I'd ever dislike anyone as much as Tom.....then there was Amelia....."

Frustration has been at an all-time high as viewers have been slamming Amelia Spencer for days. "#Emmerdale how I didn't throw my phone at the TV with Amelia defending Tom", one notably wrote on Friday. "Amelia makes me sick", another added while a third commented: "If Amelia was the one who helped Tom she’s officially beyond redemption #Emmerdale." Is it really too late for Amelia?

While this remains to be seen, Tom will have no redemption arc ahead of his exit. In late July, 2024, it was reported that James Chase, who has portrayed Tom since 2023, had quit the show and his on-screen departure would include dramatic scenes.

"It's the right time to leave," an insider told The Sun. "James has loved his time on the show playing such a powerful story but the truth is that characters like Tom have a shelf life for a reason. There’s no long-term redemption for Tom coming - he has to leave one way or the other. And either way it will be dramatic. James is rightly proud of the part he's played in raising awareness of the issue with the story but it’s time to go and spread his wings."

After he was left between life and death on Friday, Emmerdale viewers struggled to believe it would be the last of Tom they would see and many of them have already anticipated his revenge. "No conclusion, again", one of them wrote following Friday's episode, "Tom will recover, come back to the village and step up his violence on Belle. #Emmerdale" How could it play out and will Belle ever get justice?

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