ITV Emmerdale's Belle 'didn't attack Tom with axe' as fans 'work out' who really did it(Image: ITV)

ITV Emmerdale fans 'work out' who really attacked Tom King as Belle Dingle arrested

Emmerdale viewers are convinced that Belle Dingle did not attack Tom King with an axe, as they speculate who the real culprit might be in the shocking whodunnit plot

by · NottinghamshireLive

ITV Emmerdale fans are theorising that it wasn't Belle Dingle who attacked Tom King with an axe, but another resident of the village. Tom (played by James Chase) has been tormenting and manipulating his wife Belle (portrayed by Eden Taylor-Draper) for months.

She has since confessed the truth to her family and broken up with Tom, eager to break free from his control. Earlier this week, Belle bravely decided to report Tom's abuse to the police after finding hidden cameras in her cottage, proof that he had been surveilling her.

However, when Amelia Spencer (Daisy Campbell), Tom's new romantic interest, learned about Belle's plan, she disclosed it to him. Subsequently, in a terrifying twist, Tom entered the Dingle house uninvited, leaving Belle frozen with fear.

Tom then assaulted Belle, but she quickly spotted a chance to escape, grabbing a nearby hunting rifle, reports Leeds Live. Unfortunately, Tom was quick to follow, wielding an axe.

Belle sought refuge in a cottage flat, but she was eventually discovered and, in a shocking move, Tom hacked down the door to reach Belle. Meanwhile, Belle's family members, Sam (James Hooton), Lydia (Karen Blick) and Vinny (Bradley Johnson) were left aghast upon learning that Belle was with Tom, and they set out to find her, reports the Manchester Evening News.

In a dramatic scene, Belle and Tom faced off in a tense standoff, with Tom daring Belle to shoot him after dropping his axe. However, when Belle pulled the trigger, the safety catch prevented the gun from firing, and Tom later turned the tables on her.

Belle has been desperate to escape Tom's clutches(Image: ITV)

As Belle faced what seemed like certain death, Tom took a moment to admire himself in a broken mirror, but was suddenly struck in the back with the axe he had discarded. The camera then cut to a shocked Belle, suggesting she might have been the one to attack Tom, but some viewers are convinced another villager is responsible.

Fans have taken to social media to debate who really attacked Tom, pointing out that the show didn't explicitly show Belle wielding the axe. On an Emmerdale fan page on Facebook, one viewer speculated that it might not have been Belle, while others suggested it could have been Vinny, with one commenting: "I didn't expect that but I don't think Bell killed him it might be Vinny."

Another fan hoped it was Vinny, saying: "Hopefully Vinnie. The others wouldn't have gotten there in time."

Others echoed this sentiment, with one saying: "I don't think it was Belle...maybe Vinny."

And another agreeing: "I think Vinnie! ".