Dogs show off their painfully swollen faces...after trying to eat BEES

by · Mail Online

Dogs are widely loved for their playful nature, an aspect of their character that sees many breeds have boundless amounts of energy.

While they might be able to run for hours thanks to possessing such great stamina, their inquisitive nature can also get them into trouble at times.

This is perhaps most humourously evident from pictures shared by pet owners of their beloved hounds after they got too keen to get to grips with their surroundings and accidentally swallowed a bee.

From a Shiba Inu with a face resembling a balloon to a Doberman comically swelling after being stung - here are some of the funniest pictures of dogs after they have suffered the misfortune of being stung by bees.

A Siberian Husky is comically snapped while resembling the beloved Disney cartoon Goofy after being stung by a bee 
One side of a Pitbull's face is enlarged after it fell victim to a bee's sting
An Australian Shepherd looks rather defeated after being caught by a bee
A Dachshund is seen with a throat almost the size of its small body after a nasty sting
A springer spaniel looks sorry for itself as its owner snaps a shot of its face, which had swelled up on one side 
A miniature pinscher is seen with a puffy face and neck, making it seem as though the dog is almost smiling through the pain
A Doberman is seen with a long, extended face after falling foul of a bee's sting
A Patterdale Terrier puppy is snapped following a bee sting - and appears rather upset by the occurrence
A Labrador Retreiver puppy is pictured with chunky cheeks after a vicious bee sting
One Husky is seen panting away with a much bigger nose than normal after being stung
Another Pinscher does not seem to be too dispirited despite a sting, appearing to take the pain while conceding a smile 
A Beagle/Labrador mix looks shyly towards the camera after a bee stung the poor pooch
A chocolate labrador has a very swollen and slightly reddened face on one side after falling victim to a bee's pincer sting
A sad-looking Spaniel gazes at its owner with an adorable look that came courtesy of a sting to the face
A boxer looks upset, seemingly pleading with its owner for the pain to stop after it was caught by a bee 
A sorry-looking Samoyed is pictured with a swollen face after consuming a bee
A sting on another dog's nose has seen it balloon alarmingly in proportion to the rest of its face
A Kintamani is seen looking rather forlorn after suffering a bee sting
A sweet-looking English Cocker Spaniel had a mouth almost as long as its ears after being stung
An upset Dachshund with an enlarged mouth is comforted by its owner after a nasty sting
A chihuahua glares towards the camera - with its vision in one eye obscured due to a bee sting
A vacant-looking Shiba Inu looks forlornly into the camera after a bee caught it with a sting
A German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix is captured with an enlarged chest after falling foul of a bee
A Golden Retriever looks like it could cry after being stung - with its owner attempting to comfort the poor pooch
Another Dachshund looks pleadingly at its owner to make the pain of a bee sting stop