HOROSCOPES: Virgos, now's the time to make serious money!

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Many happy Libra returns to Monica Bellucci, 60 tomorrow

24 Sept-23 Oct Anyone who advises you to take things easy can forget it. Deep down you’ll know the Solar Eclipse in your sign heralds the chance you’ve been waiting for: that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shine brighter than anyone else. Don’t fear the spotlight; you were born for it. CALL 0904 470 1167*


24 Oct-22 Nov You may think you know what’s best for others, but that doesn’t give you the right to impose it on them. Nor do those you live and work with have the right to impose their brand of reality on you. Grant others their independence and make sure you protect your own. CALL 0904 470 1168*


23 Nov-21 Dec Major changes are looming, but you have nothing to fear because the planets indicate they will be positive for you – not everyone will be so fortunate. Friends and colleagues will admire, be attracted to, and be inspired by your can-do attitude. CALL 0904 470 1169*


22 Dec-20 Jan You need a challenge and one is coming. Something will happen over the next few days that will compel you to deal with the world in a new way. It may be alien initially, but you will soon get yourself up to speed on it. Capricorns are fast learners! CALL 0904 470 1170*


21 Jan-19 Feb The Solar Eclipse in your fellow air sign of Libra is such a good omen that, no matter how tough the tasks you face, you will deal with them all with ease. Set yourself goals above the norm and show the world what a special talent you are. CALL 0904 470 1171*


20 Feb-20 March It’s OK to admit that you are fearful and sometimes lack faith in yourself. No one can be confident all the time, least of all a Pisces. Now, with a Solar Eclipse in a particularly sensitive area of your chart, it’s fine to hide yourself away for a while. CALL 0904 470 1172*


21 April-21 May A Solar Eclipse highlighting your work and wellbeing augurs well for career and health issues. No effort will be too much for you and no rival will get the better of you. Your determination, drive and dedication to duty will leave them standing – and gasping. CALL 0904 470 1162*


22 May-21 June You are taking a great deal for granted but, according to your solar chart, you have every reason to be confident that life is getting better day by day. Your physical and mental powers are now at a peak. Use them wisely, but use them often. CALL 0904 470 1163*


22 June-23 July You have so much going for you, but negative thoughts about your home life seem to be holding you back from committing yourself to a life of joyful self-indulgence. With luck, the Solar Eclipse will ease your fears, allowing you to have fun with a clear conscience. CALL 0904 470 1164*


24 July-23 Aug You’ve done your bit to make the world a better place, with sacrifices beyond the call of duty. Now reward yourself with some serious rest and relaxation. If you’re not in the party mood, you will be once you get dressed up. Hit the town and hit it hard! CALL 0904 470 1165*


24 Aug-23 Sept If you’re trying to make serious money, now is the time to push ahead with, and even finalise, a deal that could make you rich. It will take confidence, an attribute you sometimes lack. Hopefully it won’t be long before your income matches your new-found self-belief. CALL 0904 470 1166*

For a FULLER WEEKLY forecast, call the number next to your star sign, above. Calls cost 65p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge and will last approximately 8 minutes. SP: DMG Mobile & TV. Helpline: 0330 100 0601.

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