The C&AG has urged the Department of Education to improve record-keeping for school inspections

Department of Education urged to improve record-keeping

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The Department of Education has been urged to improve record-keeping for school inspections.

The latest report from the State's spending watchdog, the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) found that the total number of inspections completed is reported historically, and not differentiated by type of inspection or education level.

"No target is set for the measure, against which delivery could be assessed," the report found.

"The Department's Inspectorate should review and refine the performance measures currently being used to ensure that they more accurately reflect its full range of functions," the C&AG said.

The report found that the Inspectorate’s management information system shows a total number of inspections that includes activities that related to other functions of the Inspectorate such as its advisory functions.

"The Department’s Inspectorate should set out a formal inspection policy that covers both the inspection and advisory functions of the Inspectorate, as part of the Department’s corporate planning process," the C&AG said.

It also recommended that the Department should strengthen its approach to follow-through inspections, including formalising its procedures, to provide assurance that inspection recommendations are appropriately addressed by the schools.

In its response, the Department of Education said it agreed with the recommendations and outlined various timelines for their implementation.