A survey of 1,000 workers indicated that more than half were going to work while feeling ill(Image: PA Archive/PA Images)

Epidemic of long working hours in UK with many clocking in despite feeling ill

A study also revealed that in two workers said they regularly checked work emails and messages outside working hours and responded to work-related messages while on holiday.

by · The Mirror

Health and safety experts are urging for immediate measures to address the "epidemic" of long working hours.

This comes in the wake of a study by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) which revealed that half of the workforce is clocking in two extra unpaid hours every week. A survey involving 1,000 workers showed that over half were turning up to work despite feeling unwell.

IOSH pointed out that while job adverts often boast competitive salaries, promising career prospects, private healthcare and gym memberships, many unfavourable conditions are concealed in the contract's fine print. Ruth Wilkinson, head of policy at IOSH, said: “As the world of work transforms, we must keep the safety, health and wellbeing of workers high on everyone’s list of priorities, embedded into core business practice and culture if enterprise, economies and societies are to thrive."

She added: "Many of us are familiar with the term ‘small print’ when buying goods and services and when signing contracts, highlighting key matters we need to be aware of, and sometimes they may be unfavourable. But how many people actually read and take note of the ‘small print’ in their employment contracts?"

“Issues can often be hidden, such as a culture of working long hours or the belief you must be available outside your working hours. The term ‘never off duty’ is often thrown around but for many, it’s a reality.

“This cannot continue. Our survey results show there is an epidemic of people working long hours – often without pay – and with people working while ill or on holiday.”

One in four participants said they typically exceed the legal 48-hour work week limit, and nearly half admitted that it's normal to work more than their contracted hours within their organisation. Half confessed to routinely checking and replying to work emails and messages in their own time, even when they should be unwinding on holiday.

The majority said that employees deserve the right to 'switch off' after hours, supporting a proposed initiative by the Labour Government to make this a standard practice.