FILE PHOTO: Small figurines are seen in front of displayed Spotify logo in this illustration taken February 11, 2022. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Ilustration/File Photo

Spotify back up after outage hits over 40,000 users

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:Audio streaming platform Spotify was back up after an approximate three-hour-long outage on Sunday, which at its peak impacted more than 40,000 users in the United States, according to

Downdetector, which tracks outages through a range of sources including user reports, reported less than 600 users were still having issues in the U.S as of 3 p.m. ET (1900 GMT).

"Everything's looking much better now!" Spotify said in a post on social media platform X.

Spotify did not immediately respond to a Reuters' request for comment seeking the reason behind the outage.

Users were not able to stream anything besides recently played songs, their playlists did not load and music randomly stopped playing for some, according to user comments on their community page.

In the second quarter, the number of paying Spotify subscribers rose to 246 million.

Source: Reuters

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