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U.S. State Department Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technologies to Travel to India

Following the QUAD summit and Bilateral, Dr. Seth Center, will travel to India to collaborate on AI, Cloud and Quantum computing in addition to giving grants to Indian companies

by · India Today

The recently concluded QUAD Summit in Wilmington, Delaware, emphasized the crucial role of critical and emerging technologies, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a key focus. Dr. Seth Center, Acting Special Envoy at the U.S. State Department for Critical and Emerging Technologies, shared insights on how AI, quantum computing, and cloud technology are transforming global partnerships, especially between the U.S. and India.

In an exclusive interview, Dr. Center expressed optimism about the U.S.-India collaboration, describing India as a “terrific partner” in shaping the future of emerging technologies. "India has been a core part of the U.S.-India relationship in critical emerging technologies, and it’s been wonderful to see how AI has emerged as a focal point," he said. Center acknowledged that AI is perhaps the "most consequential technology" of our time, bringing both immense opportunities and significant challenges.

At the heart of discussions during the QUAD Summit, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi played a pivotal role, was how to govern AI in a way that is safe, secure, and trustworthy. Center noted that this is not just a technical challenge, but one that touches on global equity. "What’s been most striking in our conversations with our partners, including India, is the way in which opportunity and optimism have been a component of the conversation," he said. This optimism was particularly pronounced in India, where people appear to be "twice as optimistic" about AI compared to the U.S., reflecting a positive outlook toward the technology’s potential.

A Global Partnership for Inclusive AI Development

One of the major announcements during the summit was the launch of the Partnership on Global Inclusivity on AI, aimed at ensuring that AI benefits are shared equitably across nations. This partnership was spearheaded in collaboration with India, and the initiative seeks to provide global access to AI's potential by focusing on three key pillars: compute capacity, skill-building, and cultural inclusivity.

"We’ve been really thrilled to launch the Partnership on Global Inclusivity on AI this week here in New York," Dr. Center revealed. He emphasized that countries need access to computing power necessary to drive AI model development, along with capacity-building programs for AI training. “We need to make sure that all countries and communities have access to the compute necessary to drive model development,” he said.

Additionally, Center stressed the importance of incorporating linguistic and cultural diversity into AI models, recognizing that AI systems need to be contextually relevant to different communities. "As AI models are developed, they need to capture linguistic and cultural diversity," Center emphasized, adding that the U.S.-India bilateral dialogue has incorporated these principles as a foundation for AI development. "It’s a foundation of how India AI, the initiative with the Indian government, is being thought about."

Building India's AI Infrastructure with U.S. Support

Looking forward, one of the key areas of cooperation between the two nations is developing India’s AI infrastructure, which Dr. Center said would be done in collaboration with American companies. "We’re really excited to have the conversation about AI infrastructure, making sure that as India builds out its AI computing infrastructure, it has the right partners," he said. Several American tech companies are keen to enter the Indian market to assist in building this infrastructure and to help integrate India’s cultural and linguistic diversity into AI data models. "American companies are eager to do business in India and help ensure that the data serve the people of India."

Dr. Center also highlighted the significant role that India’s private sector is playing in advancing this partnership, particularly in developing AI technologies that can meet local needs. He stated that by capturing diverse local data sets, AI can better serve Indian communities, adding, "The infrastructure we’re helping build will be tailored to India’s unique cultural and linguistic landscape."

Addressing National Security Concerns with AI

While AI presents incredible opportunities, it also raises national security challenges, including concerns about disinformation and synthetic media. To address these issues, the U.S. is working on developing governance frameworks for AI safety. "One of the main initiatives that we’re launching is the development of an AI Safety Institute," Dr. Center announced. This institute will create scientific and technical standards to mitigate risks associated with AI, ensuring that governance structures are built on a strong foundation.

"To govern AI and deal with disinformation, we need to develop standards that mitigate risks," he said, noting that India will play a key role in this international effort. “India is going to be a critical partner, as we all start to develop our own domestic governance structures built on the right scientific foundation.”

Strengthening U.S.-India Ties: Quantum and AI Innovation

Dr. Center’s relationship with India extends beyond AI, as his upcoming trip to India will focus on broader technological partnerships, including quantum computing. "This will be my third trip to India in the last several months," he noted, adding that he will be rolling out AI and quantum technology awards in collaboration with the Indian government. "We’re excited to award innovative projects and partners within India who are developing cutting-edge technologies."

These awards are part of a broader initiative to recognize and promote innovators, researchers, and students in India who are advancing AI and quantum technology development. “This partnership is a thrilling part of our relationship, and it’s exciting to see the innovative developers and researchers who are driving this technology in India,” Dr. Center said.

A New Era of AI and Technology Cooperation

The QUAD Summit, with its focus on critical technologies, has underscored the growing importance of U.S.-India collaboration in shaping the future of AI and quantum computing. The initiatives announced during the summit, particularly around inclusivity, governance, and infrastructure development, highlight the commitment of both nations to leverage AI for global good.

As AI continues to reshape industries and societies, the partnership between the U.S. and India stands as a testament to the power of international cooperation. "It’s clear that India will be a leader in the AI space, and we’re excited to be a partner in this journey," Dr. Center concluded.