Businessman's mission to make Broughty Ferry a 'go-to destination'

by · The Courier

A passionate business owner has set out his ambitions to make Broughty Ferry a “go-to destination”.

Steve James, owner of John James Roofing, has been chair of Broughty Ferry Traders’ Association for the last 12 years.

The group hosts the annual gala week and organises the Christmas lights.

When Mr James took on the role, the group had 57 members, but this number more than doubled within three years.

However, the impact of Covid was also felt by the group, with membership dipping down again to around 50 businesses.

That led to a reboot of the association last year and membership has jumped back into triple figures again.

Mr James said a lot has been achieved by the group in the last 12 months, with more activity planned.

Broughty Ferry logo to promote destination

Among the achievements has been the creation of a Broughty Ferry logo and a website promoting the area. The logo strapline is “we’ve got it all”.

Mr James said: “We’re trying to push Broughty Ferry as a go-to destination.

“We want people to come here and do all their shopping, support all the independent businesses and have a wee cup of coffee or something to eat.

“I’m pleased at how we’ve been able to grow the membership over the past year. Last year we held an event at the Woodlands which we invited all the local businesses to.

Broughty Ferry Traders’ Association committee member Ewan Philp with chairman Steve James. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson

“Membership was down after Covid and communications had slipped. We set out the reasons why we’d be a stronger association that could do more with more support.

“I see what we do as like having a BID (business improvement district) but without the mandatory element.

“Membership is £150 a year which is the same for businesses of any size.

“The larger businesses help out by giving more to things like gala week and the Christmas lights switch on.”

‘I want to see businesses here do well’

Mr James said he initially planned to step down as chairman after 10 years, but wanted to get the association back on strong footing.

He praised the members of the committee and said plans for the coming year include more networking and socialising events.

The efforts have led to Broughty Ferry being shortlisted for town of the year 2024 at the Scotland Loves Local awards.

Mr James adds: “I’ve got a passion for the Ferry and want to see businesses here do well.

“I was gutted to see the effect of Covid on the association and all the business of Broughty Ferry.

The Broughty Ferry logo.

“I just wanted to get it back to where I had it and even better.

“Winning the award would be the icing on the cake.”