Pakistan’s foreign reserves up by $30.4 million to $14.83 billion

by · Dispatch News Desk

Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan is hosting over 20 million Afghans who were just three million 40 years ago when Pakistan invited them to Pakistan during Afghan-Russo Jihad.

Pakistan allowed Afghans to buy lands, do business, and live in Pakistan with full civic rights a Pakistani enjoys. At the same time, other countries like Iran that also accommodated Afghan refugees did not allow Afghans to live outside refugee camps and this is the reason Iran did not become a victim of Afghan criminal activities like drugs, illegal weapon sale, smuggling, and money laundering. Now Iran is deporting two million Afghan migrants in six months, in one of the largest expulsion programs in recent history because the Iranian government believes that Afghans are involved in terrorism as well as almost every illegal business that could take place in Iran.

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Police have already begun detaining migrants and dumping them back across the border of the Taliban-ruled country. Guardian newspaper reported that shops in one province have been ordered not to sell food to Afghans.

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According to the UN, around 4.5 million Afghans live in Iran, with many having fled the country since the takeover of the Taliban in 2021.

To prevent more migrants entering the country, Tehran is also building a 13ft-tall wall along a stretch of the 900-km-long border with Afghanistan.

A criminal court judge has ordered bakery owners not to sell bread to non-nationals, and bakeries committing such an offense will be dealt with according to the law.

Can Pakistan save its public from Afghanistan’s criminal activities? is still a question for many as illegally living Afghans are dealing in all kinds of contraband items in Pakistan freely and they have refused to leave Pakistan.

What has happened in Pakistan is a strange story and now Afghan diplomats are telling Pakistan what kind of national anthem Pakistan should have.