Trail runners Dustin Lynx (left) and Rob Price (right) head up the east slope of Tent Ridge, overlooking Spray Lakes Valley, covered in a fresh skiff of early snow on September 26, 2022. Marie Conboy/ Postmedia.

Happy trails to you: A guide to safe autumn and winter hiking in Alberta

Hiking is fun but can also be dangerous. Doing so in winter conditions adds risk with potential for slipping, hypothermia and avalanches

by · Calgary Herald

Calgary’s proximity to the Rocky Mountains allows for ample year-round hiking opportunities. As fall takes hold and winter looms, hikers should be reminded of safety tips to avoid mishaps.

Any hiking can be dangerous, but doing so in winter conditions adds risk with potential for slipping, hypothermia and avalanches.

Banff and Lake Louise Tourism recommends four pieces of equipment for winter hiking safety: spikes, poles, gaiters and bear spray.