Hungary's Orban presents a new alliance with Austrian and Czech nationalist parties
VIENNA (AP) — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Sunday presented a new alliance with Austria’s far-right Freedom Party and the main Czech opposition party, which hopes to attract other partners and become the biggest right-wing group in the European Parliament.
Hungary’s Orban presents new alliance with Austria and Czech nationalist parties
The Patriots for Europe alliance involves the PM’s Fidesz party, Austria’s Freedom Party and former Czech prime minister Andrej Babi’s Ano party.
Hungary’s Viktor Orban presents new alliance with Austrian and Czech nationalist parties
The trio would need to attract politicians from at least four more EU countries to successfully form a group in the new parliament.
Hungary's Orban moves to form new alliance with Austrian and Czech nationalist parties
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced he wanted to form a new alliance with Austria’s far-right Freedom Party and the main Czech opposition party. The trio is looking to attract political partners…
Hungary’s Orbán presents a new alliance with Austrian and Czech nationalist parties
VIENNA (AP) — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Sunday presented a new alliance with Austria’s far-right Freedom Party and the main Czech opposition party, which hopes to attract other partners and become the biggest right-wing group in the European Parliament. Orbán traveled to Vienna to present the “Patriots for Europe” alliance of his Fidesz […]
Hungary’s Orbán presents a new alliance with Austrian and Czech nationalist parties
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has presented a new alliance with Austria’s far-right Freedom Party and the main Czech opposition party, which hopes to attract other partners and become the biggest right-wing group in the European Parliament.
Austrian far-right, Hungary's Orban form new EU alliance 
The move would reorder but possibly also split nationalist forces in the assembly, provided four more parties join
Orbán’s Fidesz forming new far-right alliance with Austrian, Czech parties – POLITICO
The alliance with Austria’s FPÖ and the Czech ANO Movement hopes to become a new group in the European Parliament.
Hungary: Orban announces new far-right European alliance
Hungarian, Czech and Austrian parties have created the Patriots for Europe grouping, which aims to secure more influence for right-leaning and far-right parties in the new European Parliament.
Hungary's Viktor Orban announces new right-wing EU parliament group
VIENNA: Hungary's nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Sunday (Jun 30) announced the formation of a new EU parliamentary alliance with Austria's far-right party and the Czech centrist group of ex-premier Andrej Babis. Orban - whose country takes on the EU's rotating presidency on Monday - has long ra
Portugal’s Chega party to join Orbán’s new far-right alliance – POLITICO
Chega’s president says he is confident more right-wing parties would soon join the Patriots of Europe alliance.
last updated on 2 Jul 13:00