Hezbollah fires over 200 rockets into Israel after killing of senior commander
Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists launched more than 200 rockets on Thursday at several military bases in Israel in retaliation for a strike that killed one of the group’s senior commanders.
Hezbollah launches more than 200 rockets into Israel after senior commander's killing
Lebanon's Hezbollah said on Thursday it launched more than 200 rockets at Israeli military positions in response to the killing of a senior commander the day before. Israel retaliated with strikes on…
Hezbollah fires over 200 rockets into Israel in retaliation of the killing of senior commander
The Lebanese Hezbollah group has claimed responsibility for launching more than 200 rockets at several Israeli military bases on Thursday in response to a strike that killed one of its senior commanders.
Several Israelis Wounded as Hezbollah Fires 200 Rockets, 20 Drones at Northern Israel
At least one rocket struck the eastern shore of Lake Kinneret, south of the Golan Heights.
Hezbollah fires 200 rockets at northern Israel; one IDF soldier dead
July 4 (UPI) -- Tensions between Israel and Iran's proxy group Hezbollah in Lebanon have risen in recent days as airstrikes increase amid the fallout from the recent killing of a top Hezbollah leader.
Hezbollah rains 200 rockets on Israeli military sites
Sonic booms rattle Beirut, other parts of Lebanon; five killed in Israeli strike at a Gaza City school.
Hezbollah says senior commander killed in Israeli strike
Diplomatic efforts attempt to limit tensions between the two sides
Israel strikes southern Lebanon after Hezbollah rocket attack
Israeli officials consider Hamas response to cease-fire proposal
last updated on 6 Jul 07:56