Google files EU complaint over Microsoft cloud services
Google said Wednesday that it had filed a complaint against Microsoft at the European Commission, accusing its rival of "anticompetitive" licensing practices to force customers to use its cloud service. The complaint was filed on Tuesday.
Google files EU complaint over Microsoft cloud services
Google said Wednesday that it had filed a complaint against Microsoft at the European Commission, accusing its rival of "anticompetitive" licensing practices to force customers to use its cloud service. The complaint was filed on Tuesday.
Google files EU complaint over Microsoft cloud services
Google said Wednesday that it had filed a complaint against Microsoft at the European Commission, accusing its rival of "anticompetitive" licensing practices to force customers to use its cloud service.
Google files EU antitrust complaint over Microsoft's cloud business
Google has reportedly filed a fresh antitrust complaint against Microsoft in Brussels alleging unfair cloud computing practices.
Google files EU antitrust complaint accusing Microsoft of stifling cloud competition
Google said in an antitrust complaint that Microsoft uses unfair licensing contracts in its Azure cloud computing business to stifle competition.
Google accuses Microsoft of antitrust violations over Azure cloud platform
Complaint cites "steep penalties" for Microsoft customers using other providers.
Google accuses Microsoft of abusing dominance in cloud
Microsoft said it expects Google's allegations will fall flat with EU watchdogs
last updated on 25 Sep 21:18