Melania Trump has described Donald Turmp as "caring"

Melania Trump's brief description of husband Donald Trump after sharing unconventional first date

Donald Trump is campaigning to be re-elected as President when America heads to the polls and his wife Melania shared an insight into their first date in a recent interview

by · The Mirror

Former first lady Melania Trump shared the words she would use to describe her husband and former President of the United States, Donald Trump.

Speaking to Fox News earlier this week, Melania, 54, described the 78-year-old as “caring” and “a family man” who “loves his family…[and] this country”.

Melania explained that she was taken on a 90-minute drive to view a building on their first date and they had later spoken on the phone.

She explained: "So he was combining business with taking [me] on a first date. And it was very nice, because we were two of us alone in the car for an hour, hour and a half, and it's no other noise, no other people, because at that time, he was already known and a celebrity.”

Donald Trump is attempting to be re-elected as President of the United States

As well as touching on their early courtship, the former First Lady also discussed the mainstream media and criticised them for their coverage of assassination attempts on Trump. She talked about her view of proceedings: “Is it really shocking that all this egregious violence goes against my husband?

“Especially that we hear the leaders from the opposition party and mainstream media branding him as a threat to democracy, calling him vile names? This needs to stop.”

Melania’s latest interview was given just over two months before the US Election in November where Trump is hoping to be re-elected. He is running against Democratic candidate Vice-President Kamala Harris.

In the build-up to the crucial vote, world leaders have been meeting both Trump and Vice-President Harris to try and build working relations.

Earlier this week, the UK’s Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer reportedly had a two-hour dinner with Trump in New York alongside Foreign Secretary David Lammy.

It is not clear whether there was any awkwardness between Mr Trump and Mr Lammy, who previously branded the ex-President a “woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath” who was a “profound threat to the international order”.

Mr Lammy defended the comments in July - made when he was a backbencher in 2018 - and said most politicians had “things to say about Donald Trump back in the day”.

He said he would work with whoever was elected US President. Ahead of the meeting, Mr Trump said he thought Mr Starmer was "very nice" and he was "very popular" in the UK.

Before their meeting Trump revealed his feelings about Labour Prime Minister Sir Keir. The BBC reported that Trump said: “I actually think he’s very nice. He ran a great race, he did very well, it’s very early, he’s very popular.”

Sir Keir was also positive before the meeting, touching on establishing a dialogue between the two leaders: "It’ll be really good to establish a relationship between the two of us. I’m a great believer in personal relations on the international stage.

“I think it really matters that you know who your counterpart is in any given country, and know them personally, get to know them face to face.”