The Voice Coach, who's now had two hip replacements, swore by the so-called 'inversion therapy'(Image: Liverpool Echo)

Tom Jones' strange health remedy saw him hang upside down 'like a bat'

The Voice Coach, whose due to be 90 years old in 2030, is reportedly a fan of 'inversion therapy', which involves hanging upside down 'like a bat' to ease back pain

by · The Mirror

Thought hanging upside down was just for bats? Think again. This acrobatic exercise is reportedly a surprising remedy to tackle certain health issues - and it was used by none other than Sir Tom Jones.

The Voice Coach, who's now had two hip replacements, swore by the so-called 'inversion therapy' to help tackle 'poor circulation' and back problems. Now 84, he is acutely aware that his 90th birthday is in 2030 and has stressed that it's important to 'take care of yourself'.

In a previous interview with The Sun, he explained: "I hang upside down. You know on one of those frames... You put your feet in the thing and you flip and you hang." As the Sexbomb singer explains, inversion therapy typically involves suspending yourself upside down in an effort to relieve your back from pressure.

Healthline suggests it's especially beneficial for people with chronic lower back pain, poor circulation, sciatica and scoliosis, with the latter being a spinal deformity. Scientists have vouched for the practice too, with one study in 2013 suggesting that suspension at '60 degrees' reduced back pain across a 47-person study group in just eight weeks.

Tom Jones' 90th birthday is in 2030( Image: Getty Images for Guinness)

"Practicing inversion therapy may also translate to better flexibility," experts at Healthline added. "Inversion therapy is also thought to improve posture. This might be especially helpful if you work at a desk."

Sadly, Sir Tom Jones is no stranger to health problems. According to Hello!, the Welsh star opened up about a 'dull ache' in his hip during 2017, which persisted prior to a hip replacement.

Later, he then also confessed to BBC Radio 2 that he'd put 'too much weight on', but managed to shed some pounds by switching up his diet. Leaner meats, fish, vegetables and nuts were reportedly a big part of this.

"I was putting too much weight on. I didn't think I was going to and I left the working out for a bit, thought I'd keep a check on it," he said at the time. "But with the Christmas puddings and cakes, before I knew it I was 230lb (16.4 stone) which was 30lb more than I should be. I couldn't get into my suits."

Aside from inversion therapy, Sir Tom has reportedly made an extra effort to do lots of stretching and boxing too with the help of a personal trainer.

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