Veteran BBC presenter John Stapleton reveals Parkinson's battle in emotional documentary
(Image: BBC)

Veteran BBC presenter John Stapleton reveals Parkinson's battle in emotional documentary

by · Manchester Evening News

Renowned journalist John Stapleton, known for his work on Newsnight, Panorama, and Good Morning Britain throughout his 50-year career, has candidly shared his recent Parkinson's diagnosis in an intimate documentary with his son, BBC presenter Nick Stapleton.

John opened up about the struggles he faces following his Parkinson's diagnosis: "Speaking is how I've earned my living for the best part of 50 years, and it's very frustrating sometimes, particularly if people are constantly saying to you, sorry, what did you say?"

He continued, expressing determination in the face of adversity: "And you have to repeat yourself time and time and time again. I'm fairly pragmatic about the prospect of this getting worse. I try to remain positive because what's the point of not being (positive)."

A study conducted last year revealed that 74 percent of individuals might struggle to discuss care options with an older family member.

Renowned journalist John Stapleton is known for his work on Newsnight, Panorama, and Good Morning Britain
(Image: Daily Record)

In the revealing film, Nick tackled the subject of how families can address the difficult discussions surrounding a diagnosis like Parkinson's and the subsequent challenges it brings.

John reflected on the parallels with his mother's battle with Parkinson's, as he faces similar mobility issues she encountered. Meanwhile, Nick considered the emotional journey of stepping into his father's role from two decades earlier, preparing to support a parent through their diagnosis and contemplating conversations about the necessary support for their future, reports the Mirror.

Nick added: "It's early days for us, and thankfully Dad is still fairly independent, but nonetheless I want to start these conversations now, to get some potentially difficult topics out in the open and make it easier for later on."

Georgina Jones, a senior care advisor at Parkinson's UK, provided Nick with guidance on how to sensitively discuss the potential need for future care with his father.

Georgina continued: "It's trying to talk about what support someone might need rather than what care they might need, starting with what they would like and what they're struggling with. There's all kinds of equipment that people might need in their home. And those kind of small steps will then build up to something more major, decisions about if someone needed to sell their home, they needed to move, etc."

After the conversation with his son and considering the future, John said: "The fact that I've had an early diagnosis, the fact that I've seen what happened to my mother firsthand is all a big bonus in many ways, because it enables me to look at it practically, realistically and plan sensibly for the future."

The full film can be viewed on BBC iPlayer now. Details of organisations offering information and support with life-limiting conditions such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and cancer, and support for end-of-life care can be found at