A man attempts to extinguish flames following a rocket attack from Lebanon, amid cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Sep 20, 2024. (Photo: Reuters/Jim Urquhart)

Israel reports rocket fire as Hezbollah says it is targeting military bases

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JERUSALEM: The Israeli military said dozens of rockets were fired into Israeli territory from Lebanon on Friday (Sep 20), as Hezbollah said it targeted Israeli military bases.

"Some 140 rockets were fired from Lebanon within an hour starting at 1.02pm (10.02am GMT)," a military spokeswoman told AFP.

The incoming fire came after the Israeli military said it struck dozens of rocket launchers overnight that were ready for use against Israel.

Hezbollah said it fired barrages of rockets at Israeli military bases in retaliation for strikes on south Lebanon, as tensions soared following deadly sabotage attacks on its communications devices.

The group said it launched "salvos of Katyusha rockets" against at least six Israeli "army headquarters" and bases, including a "main air defence base".

Israel has not commented on the blasts that rocked Lebanon this week.

For nearly a year, Israel's firepower has been focused on Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza, but its troops have also been engaged in near-daily exchanges with Hezbollah militants.

The cross-border exchanges of fire have killed hundreds in Lebanon, most of them fighters, and dozens in Israel, including soldiers. Tens of thousands of people on both sides of the border have been forced to flee their homes.

Source: AFP/dy

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