Breaking: Megan Thee Stallion Is Watching Sex and the City for the First Time


Oh the joys of a full streaming library! On Wednesday’s The Tonight Show, Megan Thee Stallion told Jimmy Fallon all about her first Sex and the City watch. “I think I just kept seeing pictures of Sarah Jessica pretty as fuck,” she said. “Her hair, her shoes, her outfits were always so beautiful and I was like ‘What is this show?’” Meg has watched the whole show, but still has both movies and And Just Like That… to get into. For better or worse. Fallon got her takes on the core four:

Samantha: Obviously she’s a Samantha. Meg said she was slow to warm to Samantha for being a little too sex-obsessed, but eventually came to understand her. “She runs men,” Meg said, “she does not let men run her.”

Charlotte: A little delulu, probably a Cancer. But she’d probably be besties with the Stallion. Cancer and Aquarius go together well.

Miranda: Not a fan! “This is the worst character on the show,” Meg said. Conversely, Steve is the best character on the show. “How can anybody even fix their lips to be mean to Steve?” she asked. “And Miranda figured out a way.”

Carrie: “She’s always attractive, doing these sicko things,” Meg said. Maybe SJP should be Patrick Bateman in Luca’s new American Psycho. Hey, at least it would be different. “She’s nuts. But you know, I see a lot of myself in this character.”