2024 Nationwide Census kicks off to gather comprehensive data for national development

· Eleven Media Group Co., Ltd

The nationwide census operation on population and housing began on October 1, 2024, with 68 census-related questions to be asked and collected. 

This year’s enumeration process is aimed at collecting accurate population and socioeconomic data to inform policy-making, strategies, and national projects. 

The census will assess changes in population and socioeconomic conditions between 2014 and 2024, support the implementation of the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (MSDP), and strengthen the national statistical system.

Compared to the 2014 census, which had 41 questions, this year’s census includes 68, with 27 additional questions designed to gather more precise data. Some of the new questions focus on reasons for not attending school in the education sector and household waste management systems.

These questions aim to help the government address the needs of the people, particularly in the education, health, and social sectors. Census teams will visit homes from 7 am to 6 pm, with prior notice, and the process is inclusive of all residents, regardless of whether they possess a household census form, Citizen Scrutiny Card (CSC), or are from different ethnic backgrounds.

The State Administration Council has assured the public that no taxes will be imposed or actions taken based on the census data, and family members residing abroad will not face any consequences.

Yesterday, Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Myint Kyaing led a team of enumerators to collect census data from Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the State Administration Council Chairman and Prime Minister, at the Commander-in-Chief (Army) office. 

Similar data collection efforts were carried out for other senior officials and their families. National censuses are conducted every ten years to guide the development of social, economic, and management policies. 

The data collected is crucial not only for the government but also for every citizen, influencing areas such as politics, economics, social services, defense, and public affairs.

 The Ministry of Immigration and Population is overseeing the census operation, which will rely heavily on public participation to succeed.